Except for the "Books" section of this page, most of the links provide access to free resources. As you scroll through this page, the list of resources will appear in order in the following 11 categories: - (Mostly) FREE Resources
- Three Principles Practitioner Websites
- Books
- Audio Interviews and Discussions
- Video Interviews and Discussions
- Miscellaneous Videos/Audios
- Animated Videos
- Three Principles on Facebook
- Three Principles Events
- Research and Publications
- Other Stuff
Note: See the "What's
New Here" page for the list of the most recently added resources and updates to this website.
www.sydbanks.com - This is a brand new website
(Feb2018) put together by Lone Pine Publishing (the primary publisher of Syd's books, videos, and audios), Sydney Banks, Partners Publishing, and International Human Relations Consultants Inc. It offers free access to 3 of Syd's lecture series
(Hawaii, Long Beach, and Washington). The Long Beach series is also viewable on the 3PGC website.
www.3pgc.org - This site was created as a central non-profit professional source for the growing community of Three Principles practitioners
around the world who are using the Three Principles to facilitate a "profound impact on every aspect of life, including: addiction and PTSD recovery, business and leadership, athletic performance, community work, and marriage and family counselling"
- The
site offers videos about the Principles shared by various facilitators, links to the dedicated professional practitioners, research papers on the impact of the Principles, upcoming 3P events, etc.
- YouTube Channel -
www.threeprinciplesfoundation.org - The Three Principles School was founded by Elsie Spittle and Chip Chipman. The
website offers a few videos with Syd, Elsie, and Chip
- The Three Principles School offers sessions once or twice a year (at minimal cost) on Salt Spring Island
- They have a scholarship fund that provides copies of Sydney Banks' books, audio-tapes,
and videos to disadvantaged communities, drug rehabilitation centres, prisons, jails, as well as to social workers, service providers, and other people who may not otherwise have the means to purchase them
- YouTube Channel -
- https://realchange.info/resources/
- The Real Change Portal (3P Resources Database)
- Beginning in 2017, Elizabeth Lovius partnered with a group of creative and diligent individuals
who have a passion for sharing the Three Principles understanding, to create a database of 3P stories, research, and resources. The website is still in its start-up stage but holds great promise and potential as an outstanding resource for anyone that wishes
to learn about or share the Three Principles understanding.
- A helpful video on how to access and use the Real Change website and the "Zotero-based" library of resources is at:https://youtu.be/L-XxS4olytE
Link to the Zotero-based 3P Resources Searchable Database: (the largest 3P Resources List) https://www.zotero.org/groups/1020951/3_principles_resources_library/items?
https://innateevolution.com/videos/ - Innate Evolution Video Library
- Created and managed by Rudi Kennard (formerly of ThreePrinciplesMovies.com), this website offers hundreds of hours
of free videos, including interviews/discussions with many long term (as well as newer) 3P practitioners
www.3phd.net - Elsie Spittle, a friend of Sydney Banks before his "awakening", and an initial reluctant recipient of the 3P understanding, has spent her
life dedicated to sharing the principles. She offers a great story of her own insight into the Three Principles.
Besides the sites listed above, here's some more... a somewhat random collection of websites I have come across. They are mostly in order of when I came across each of them, although I've placed the longer term practitioners towards the
top of the list, and the shorter term practitioners (and some who don't use the Principles exclusively) toward the latter part of the list. There's a wealth of free content in here as many of the sites include blogs, articles, videos, and audio-recordings.
3PGC Website Practitioner List: 3P Practitioners: - Chip and Jan Chipman - www.vantageconsult.com
and https://www.youtube.com/user/vantageconsulting
- Clytee Mills - http://www.threeprinciplesandagingwithgrace.com/
- Jack Pransky - www.healthrealize.com
- Mark Howard - www.threeprinciplesinstitute.org
- Aaron Turner - www.onethought.com
- Mara Gleason and Eirik Grunde Olsen - www.onesolutionglobal.org
- Dicken Bettinger - www.3principlesmentoring.com and http://dickenbettinger.blogspot.ca
- Joe Bailey - http://www.joebaileyandassociates.com
- Christine Heath - http://hcechawaii.com
- Garrett Kramer - http://garretkramer.com and http://www.innersports.com (Garrett now has a non-dual focus)
- Shaul Rosenblatt - http://www.tikun.co.uk
- Judy Sedgeman - www.three-principles.com
and http://ippl2010.wordpress.com and http://www.metvweb.com/Innate-Health.html
- Ami Chen - http://amichen.com and http://amichen.blogspot.ca (Mystical Mama blog) and https://www.youtube.com/user/AmilliaABT/videos
- Keith Blevens and Valda Monroe - http://threeprinciplesparadigm.com/ and http://blevensmonroe.wordpress.com
- Ken Manning, Sandy Krot, Nikki Platte, Robin Charbit- www.insightprinciples.com
- Cathy Casey - http://www.3pgc.org/directory/casey/
- Bill and Linda Pettit - https://www.facebook.com/DrsPettit/
- Christa Campsall - www.ed-talks.com and The Power of Three Principles in Schools Video Series http://www.ed-talks.com/resources/
- Barb Aust - www.essentialcurriculum.ca
- Michael Neill - www.michaelneill.org
- Thomas M. Kelley - http://www.reflectionscounseling.com
- Rita Shuford - http://threeprincipleshawaii.com/
- Harry Derbitsky - www.acttraining.biz (Note: Click the downloadable PDF on his home page for information on the 3Ps and Native Spirituality)
- A Non-Profit in California run by Christine Henriques-Cox, Linda
Ramus, Marian Brown, Laura Wegl, Kevin Brown, Rob Friend - http://innatehealthconnection.org
- Kathy Marshall Emerson - http://3pgc.org/directory/marshallemerson
and National Resource Resilience Center - http://www.nationalresilienceresource.com/index.html (great list of 3P publications)
- The Cypress Initiative - nonprofit
with Brooke Wheeldon-Reece, Ashley Hunt, Helen Neal-Ali, Nicole Wilson- http://www.cypressinitiative.org/ and http://www.sparkcurriculum.org/
- Gulf Breeze Recovery - www.gulfbreezerecovery.com and https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCSY8pN6htgWrYCOqskgRL8Q
- Craig Polsfuss - https://craigpolsfuss.wordpress.com/
- Gabriela Maldonado-Montano - http://managementconsultingbusiness.net
- Karen
Miller Williams - www.threeprinciplesnurse.com
- Allan Flood - http://www.weneedconnection.com and http://freedomthruauthenticity.blogspot.ca
- Gilly Chater - http://www.gillychater.com
- Rudi Kennard - http://innatewellbeing.co.uk
- Jenny Anderson and Dave Elleray - http://www.freedomthinking.co.uk/
- Sue Pankiewicz - http://principledwellbeing.com
- Sheela Masand - https://sheelamasand.com/
- Gillian
Fox - http://gillianfox.com
- Kristen Mansheim - http://www.kristenmansheim.com
- Sue Lachman - www.suelachman.com
- Dean Rees-Evans - http://www.threeprinciplestraining.com
- Barb Patterson - http://barbarapatterson.com
- Steve Adair and Tony Fiedler - http://3plifesoul.co.uk and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCANT5mMl5ACDsRRcgSWZGBw
- Asa Wright - https://asawright.wordpress.com/author/asawright/
- Jacquie Forde - http://www.thewellbeingalliance.com and www.jacquieforde.com
- Lori Carpenos - http://www.3principlestherapy.com
- Cheryl Bond - http://cherylbond.org/
- Annika Hurwitt Schahn - https://annikahurwitt.com/
and http://optimalwomensleadership.com
- Jacqueline Hollows - http://www.beyond-recovery.co.uk/welcome.html (non-profit addressing
addictions, mental health, and offending behaviour)
- Janet A Rhynie - https://remote.com/janetrhynie
- Chantal Burns - http://www.chantalburns.com/
and http://starconsultancy.com
- Jamie Smart - www.jamiesmart.com
- Elaine Hilides - http://elainehilides.com/
and https://www.udemy.com/user/elainehilides/
- Piers Thurston - http://www.piersthurston.com and http://www.feelhappynow.co.uk/
- Elese Coit - www.elesecoit.com
- Frank Gerryts - http://innerchanging.com and http://www.threeprinciplesgroup.com (a
great 3P blog archive/resource)
- Jonathon Pounder - http://www.sixdimensionscounseling.com
- Veronique Pivetta - http://veronique-pivetta.com
- Fiona Jacob - http://fionajacob.com
- Julian Freeman, Bec Lealman - http://starsofwellbeing.com and https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCzkMw08YdKYlH221U6uL44Q
- Jeanne Catherine and John Gray - http://www.divineplay.com
- Tammy Furey - http://3principlesforfamilies.org and http://fureycoaching.com
- Rachel Norwood - https://nurtureandnutrition.wordpress.com and https://lestroisprincipesfrance.wordpress.com
- Brett Chitty - www.threeprinciplessupermind.com Recordings of many 3P Practitioners are offered for "whatever you can afford", and a large collection of free recordings are posted on
the YouTube page at... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwQHwC1cFId_9EIk_9Ru8Ig)
- Cory Willson - http://wisdomlifecoaching.com
- A.M Stewart - http://www.abeautifulplacelives.blogspot.ch
- Kimberley Hare - http://www.kaizen-training.com
- Ian Watson, Carol
Boroughs, Clara Kennedy, Don Deacy, Alex Waters, Romana Dekic - www.theinsightspace.com
- Carol Boroughs - www.threeprinciples.co.uk
- Peter Anderson
- http://andersonwellbeing.com/
- Katja Symons and Mick Tomlinson - www.itsallhealing.com
- Lian Brook-Tyler, Jonathan Wilkinson - http://primalhappiness.co/
- Susan Andrewes - http://www.susanandrewes.com
- Faye Adams-Eaton and Cory Willson - http://lifeunderthethoughtfullens.blogspot.ca
- Amy Johnson - http://dramyjohnson.com
- Molly Gordon - www.shaboominc.com and https://m.youtube.com/user/shaboomincchannel
- Rabbi Henry Harris - www.jewishcenterforwellbeing.com
- Stephen Desborough - http://performance-coach.co.uk
- John El Mokadem - www.jelmconsulting.com
- Nicola Bird - https://alittlepeaceofmind.co.uk/
- Helena Roth - www.herothecoach.com
- Libby Hodges - http://libbyhodges.com/ and https://everydaycreation.wordpress.com/about/
- Caroline Frenette - www.carolinefrenette.com
- Patrik Rowinski - http://patrikrowinski.se
- Steve M Nash - www.smnash.com (Steve also offers a 1-page list of his favourite 3P Resources at http://www.smnash.com/docs/OnePage3PrinciplesResourcesGuide.pdf)
- Daniel Martinez - www.truelifequest.com
- George Halfin - http://confessionsofanoverthinker.com
- Bernie Gillespie - www.berniegillespie.wordpress.com
- Ankush Jain - http://ankushjain.co.uk
- Shelley Satonin - http://shelleysatonin.com
- Kathy Elliot - http://kathy-elliott.com
- Elisabeth Karlehav - http://3pstateofmind.com
- Gudrun Frerichs - http://gudrunfrerichs.com
- Melanee Evans - http://helloquiet.com/
- Kim Kaase - http://www.life-leap.com/
- Paula Goode - http://goodeinsight.wordpress.com and http://www.square1hundred.com
- Morten Hake - http://mortenhake.com
- Faith Escudero - http://www.mindthoughtconsciousness.com
- Melissa Cohen - http://movingforwardbrooklynlifecoach.com
- Susie Hodder-Williams and Chris Caldwell - http://www.leadingedgeretreats.com
- Ann Ross - http://newperspectivescoaching.co.uk
- Paul
Lock - http://www.innate-thought.com
- Sandra Koenig - http://brandingharmony.com and http://sandrakoenig.com/
- Katie Abbott - http://www.katieabbott.co.uk
- Dave Kibby - http://davekibby.wordpress.com
- Christian McNeill - http://elementsofwellbeing.net
- Lynn Robertson - http://www.blankpagecoaching.com
- Mandy Spray, Amy Cutbill - http://www.clearmindacademy.com
- Mandy Spray - http://www.mandyspray.com
- Louise Storey - https://louisestoreycoaching.com/
- Rich Riddle - http://www.richriddle.com
- Colette Grant - www.optimise.global
- Tony Broadbent - http://inspiringgenius.co.uk
- Phil Goddard - http://www.philg.com
- Martin Jarnland - http://strengthinside.com
- Louise Sheridan - www.mystillmind.wordpress.com
- Lucy Di Marino - http://www.lucydimarino.co.uk
- Anni Poole - http://annipoole.moonfruit.com and http://annipoole.blogspot.ca and http://hlsgroup.org/home/4588317550
- Suzie Roelofs - http://mindspire.nl/over-mindspire/
- Sandra Njio - http://www.denieuwe30er.nl
- 3P Center Stockholm (non-profit) - http://3pcenterstockholm.se
and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX60Df02iCVc5k2ZfRWXXRg
- Alison Heather Sutton - http://www.alisonheathersutton.co.uk
- Bryan Ryan - http://www.miltonclinic.ie
- Mary Schiller - http://maryschiller.com
- Lise Dandanell - http://www.dandanell.com/uk/
- Ildiko Allen - http://www.ildiallen.com
- Carolynne Melnyk - http://www.livinglifeinjoy.com
- Peter Anderson - http://www.andersonwellbeing.com
- Darko Pribeg - http://a-new-understanding.tumblr.com/post/123037457762/innatehealth
- Natasha Swerdloff - http://theprinciplesinstitute.com
- Tess Stromberg - http://tesstromberg.com
- Sarah Phipp - http://www.nutsabouthealth.co.uk/
- Kjetil Haugmo - http://www.kjetilhaugmo.no/
- Aviva Barnett - http://www.mwmindworks.com
- Wendi Saggese - http://wakeupyourwisdom.com/
- Rani Bora - https://ranibora.com/
- Liz Scott and Stuart Newberry - http://www.lizscottcoaching.com/ and http://coachingconnect.co.uk/
- Damian Mark Smyth - www.rethinkingbusiness.biz and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWUNgorN-TY
- Susan Motheral - http://susanmotheral.com
- Flavio Endo - http://www.livemind.com.br/ (Brazil, Portuguese) + Sydney Banks videos with Portuguese subtitles - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBM1mJIEOXpQ4ssNskUNi4zRHN_PNRsUi
- David Shakun - http://wisdomnet.com/
- Simon Collins - http://sicollins.com
- Dr. Anne Curtis - https://www.facebook.com/makeloveforlife/timeline
(Anne has a list of 3P Resources organized by topic... anxiety, physical health, children, etc. and with detailed descriptions at
- Elizabeth Lykins - http://www.amagnificentmetamorphosis.com/index.html
- Debi Muccillo - http://www.yourorganicinsight.com/
- Mahima Shrestha - https://neonlife.wordpress.com/
- Elizabeth Lovius - http://elizabethlovius.com/
- Margot Smit - http://www.rewildingminds.org/about.html
- Kaye Taylor and Steph Wilson - http://humanbeing.tv/
https://venturesk.com/ - Rohini Ross. - http://www.rohiniross.com
- Debra Simmons - http://debrasimmons.co.uk
- Samantha
Hurst - http://www.artistcoach.org
- Chris Nunan - http://inner-business.com/inner-business.com/Home.html and
http://nunan.dk and http://innerfocusing.com
- Daniel Doverland - http://www.bokadirekt.se/places/coaching-10803
- Roger Kvaloy
- https://coachcafe.mykajabi.com
- Martin Croft - http://www.thethoughtbusiness.com/
- Denise Holland - http://class-performance.com
- Kim Bailey - http://purplegenielifecoaching.co.uk
- Ana Holmback - http://www.anaholmback.com
- Buddy Huggins - https://thethreeprinciples.blogspot.ca
- Three Principles Group - West Coast - http://www.threeprinciplesgroup.com
- Cathy Fandrich - http://looklifecoaching.com
- Three Principles
for Families Magazine (Alexis Blenkarn Petrie, Tammy Furey) - https://3principlesforfamilies.org
- Judy Voruz - http://wisecaring.com/
- Amir Karkouti - www.amirkarkouti.com
- Christine Higgins - http://3pnewengland.org/
- Esty Raskin - https://www.facebook.com/spark.kidsbook
- Adrian Lucas - http://mindfuel.us/
- Gemma Blaker - 3principles6kids.com
- Juliet Fay - www.solcare.org and
- Web of Wellbeing - https://webofwellbeing.org/ (Quinn Cashion, Ivana Culham, Liz Scott, Stuart Newberry, Peter Anderson, Brooke Wheeldon-Reece, Lars Myndal Fogtmann, Denise Holland,
Terri Broughton, Dr. John Countryman)
- Lyn McCright and Teresa Walding - http://www.advancingholistichealth.com/
- Ed Anthony and Charlie Turner -
- Annette Stein - http://annettestein.com/
- Phil Reed - https://www.philreed.co.uk/
- Dominic Scaffidi
- www.hrpossibilities.com
- Amanda O'Shea - www.step1recovery.com (Amanda is on the team of this recovery centre
in Alicante Spain)
- Shannon Cooper - www.evergreeninsight.com
- Kate Adey - www.kateadey.co.uk
- Karolina Gladych - www.karolinagladych.com/
- Marina Galan - https://www.3pgc.org/directory/marinagalan (English and Spanish)
- Shaya Sussman - www.shayasussman.com and https://youtu.be/lhV0quKM3Qc
- Dr. Giles P Croft - https://gilespcroft.com/
- + there's many many more...
NOTE: Lately this understanding has been growing exponentially, and so it's not that practical to keep up with the 100s and likely 1000s more individuals who have websites that could be added to this list. And so, if
you (or someone you know) is among the "missing" 🙂 and you would like to be added, just let me know. I'd be happy to add you.
Simply send the name and website to: ProcrastinationPublications@shaw.ca
The books and publications are simply in the order of when I came across them. The books from the longer term practitioners will tend to be found toward the top of the list. Each author will have their own depth of understanding of the Principles,
which will be reflected in the content of their book(s). Sydney Banks - Second Chance (1987)
- In Quest of the Pearl (1990)
- The Missing Link: Reflections on Philosophy of Spirit (1998)
- The Enlightened
Gardener (2001)
- Dear Liza (2004)
- The Enlightened Gardener Revisited (2005)
Elsie Spittle - Wisdom Within (with Roger Mills) (2001)
- Wisdom for Life: The Principles for Well Being (2005)
- Our True Identity: Three Principles (2010)
- Beyond
Imagination: A New Reality Awaits (2013)
- Nuggets of Wisdom: Learning to See Them (2016)
- The Path to Contentment (2018)
- The Genesis of the Three Principles: Reflections on the Life and Discoveries of Sydney Banks (with Chip Chipman)
Chip Chipman - The Genesis of the Three Principles: Reflections on the Life and Discoveries of Sydney Banks (with Elsie Spittle) (2019)
Jack Pransky - Somebody
Should Have Told Us! Simple Truths for Living Well (2008)
- Parenting from the Heart: A Guide to the Essence of Parenting from the Inside Out (2012)
- Healthy Thinking/Feeling/Doing from the Inside Out (with Lori Carpenos) (2000)
- Modello: Story of Hope.../Inside-Out Model (1998)
- Prevention from the Inside-Out (2003)
- Prevention: The Critical Need (Newly Revised in 2001)
- Paradigm Shift: A History of the Three Principles (2015)
- What is Wisdom (and
Where Do I Find It)? (children's book) (2016)
- Seduced By Consciousness: A Life With The Three Principles (2017)
Amy Kahofer (and Jack Pransky) - What is a Thought (A Thought is a Lot) - (children's
book) (2012)
George Pransky - The Relationship Handbook (1992, 25th Anniversary Edition 2017)
- The Renaissance of Psychology (1998)
Garrett Kramer - Stillpower:
Excellence with Ease in Sports and Life (2011)
- The Path of No Resistance: Why Overcoming is Simpler Than You Think (2015)
Amy Chen Mills-Naim - The Spark Inside (for youth/kids) (2005)
- State
of Mind in the Classroom (with Roger C. Mills) (for youth/kids) (?, revised 2016)
Roger C. Mills - Sanity, Insanity, and Common Sense: The Missing Link in
Understanding Mental Health (1982)
- Realizing Mental Health: Toward a New Psychology of Resiliency (1995)
- Wisdom Within (with Elsie Spittle) (2001)
- The Health Realization Primer: Empowering Individuals and Communities
(with Sandra Krot) (1993)
- The Health Realization Primer: Empowering Individuals and Communities (with Elsie Spittle) (1998)
- State
of Mind in the Classroom (with Ami Chen Mills-Naim) (for youth/kids) (?, revised 2016)
Joseph Bailey - The Serenity Principle: Finding Inner Peace in Recovery (1990)
- Slowing Down to the Speed of Life:
How to Create a Deeper, More Fulfilling Relationship in a Hurried World (with Richard Carlson) (1997)
- The Speed Trap: How to Avoid the Frenzy of the Fast Lane (1999)
- Slowing Down to the Speed of Love (2004)
- Fearproof
Your Life: How to Thrive in a World Addicted to Fear (2014)
Michael Neill - The Inside-Out Revolution (2013)
- The Space Within: Finding Your Way Back Home (2016)
- Creating the Impossible (2017)
Richard Carlson - You Can Be Happy No Matter What: Five Principles Your Therapist Never Told You (1992)
- You Can Feel Good Again: Common-Sense Therapy for Releasing Depression and Changing Your Life (1993)
- Shortcut
Through Therapy: Ten Principles of Growth-Oriented, Contented Living (1995)
- Handbook for the Soul: A Magnificent Gathering of Warmth and Wisdom to Nourish Your
Soul (1995)
- Stop Thinking Start Living: Simple Ways to Let Go of Negativity and Discover Lifelong Happiness (1997)
- Don’t Worry, Make Money: Spiritual and Practical Ways to Create Abundance and More Fun in Your Life (1997)
- Slowing
Down to the Speed of Life: How to Create a Deeper, More Fulfilling Relationship in a Hurried World (with Joseph Bailey) (1997)
- Don't Sweat the Small Stuff (and
It's All Small Stuff): Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life (1997)
- What About the Big Stuff: Finding Strength and Moving Forward
When the Stakes Are High (2002)
- Easier Than You Think: Because Life Doesn’t Have to Be So Hard (2005)
- Don’t Get Scrooged: How to Thrive in a World Full of Obnoxious, Incompetent, Arrogant, and Downright Mean-Spirited People (2006)
Note: Richard Carlson has many more books than the ones listed here. Thomas M. Kelley - Falling in Love With Life (1996)
- Positive Psychology and Adolescent Mental
Health: False Promise or True Breakthrough? (2004)
- How Good Can You Stand It?: Flourishing Mental Health Through Understanding the Three Principles (2015?)
Marilyn J. Wendler - Life Happened Here (2006)
- Realizing Life - Inspiration in Verse: Insights of the Three Principles as Taught by Sydney Banks (2011)
Jamie Smart - Clarity: Clear Mind, Better Performance, Bigger Results (2013)
- The Little Book
of Clarity: A Quick Guide to Focus and Declutter Your Mind (2015)
- Results: Think Less, Achieve More (2016)
Damian Mark Smyth - Do Nothing! Stop Looking, Start Living (2012)
- How to Be Stress Free
in 24 Hours! (2012)
- Entrepeneur Success Formula (2015)
Allan Flood - Perfect Misfortune: A Guide to Hope, Healing and Happiness During Personal Crisis// Hope, Healing and Happiness - When Times Get Hard for
Body & Soul (1993)
- Perfect Misfortune - The Coming Home Edition: Hope and Healing When Times Get Hard for Body & Soul (2014)
Steve Light - Social Anxiety Inside Out: How to Rise Above the Negative
Chatter and Live Life with Clarity (2013)
Julian Freeman - Life Beyond Money: Living to Earn Or Yearning to Live (2013)
Elaine Hilides - Mindfullness - The No Diet Diet Book
- Overcoming Overwhelm (2016)
Rachel Norwood - The Gentle Path to Definitive Weight Loss (2013)
- Lucinda and the Fairy Godmother from Mind: A Magical Tale of Insight and a Metaphorical Limp (children's
book) (2014)
Amy Johnson - Being Human: Essays on Thoughtmares, Bouncing Back, and Your True Nature (2013)
- The Little Book of Big Change: The No Willpower Approach to Breaking any Habit (2016)
Elese Coit - 101 New Pairs of Glasses (2012)
Mark Jamieson - Calm: The Key to Clarity, Connectedness and Presence at Work/ A Revolution in Business Thinking (2014)
Frerichs - Delicious Love Forever: Back to Basics: Recipes for Lasting Loving Relationships (2014)
Angela Mastwijk - Youngest Says 'No' (for youth/kids) (2014)
- Inside Out Izzy
(for youth/kids of all ages) (2014) (Dutch version is "Binnenstebuiten Bente")
- Meer Zonzekerheid (Dutch) (2015)
- Het mag ook makkelijk (with Linda Spaanbroek) (Dutch) (2017)
- Altijd Thuis (Dutch novel)
- 3 Principes voor Geluk (with Linda Spaanbroek) (free e-book) (2019)
Barbara Aust - The Essential Curriculum: 21 Ideas for Developing a Positive and
Optimistic Culture (2013)
Linda Quiring - Island of Knowledge (1975)
- Beyond Beliefs: The Lost Teachings of Sydney Banks (2016)
- Encounters With An Enlightened Man: The Early Years With Sydney Banks
Sue Pettit - Coming Home (1988)
Robert Kausen - We've Got to Start Meeting Like This!: How to Get Better Results With Fewer Meetings (2003)
- Customer Satisfaction
Guaranteed: A New Approach to Customer Service, Bedside Manner, and Relationship Ease (1989)
Chantal Burns - Instant Motivation: The Surprising Truth About What Really Drives Top Performance (2015)
Barclay - Insights (2012)
Jane Tucker - Insight Inspirations: Messages of Hope: 1 (Insights Series) (2000)
- Insight Inspirations: Messages of Peace: 2 (Insights Series) (2014)
- Insight
Inspirations: Messages of Love: 3 (Insight Series) (2016)
- My Guide Inside: Knowing Myself and Understanding My World - Book II (with Christa Campsall) (Learner Book) - Intermediate Curriculum - Ages 9-12 (for children) (2016)
- Whooo... Has a Guide Inside? (with Christa Campsall) (children's book) (2017)
Melissa Cohen - The Road to Finding Yourself (2014)
Larry Senn - Up the
Mood Elevator (2012)
Mara Gleason - The One Thought State of Mind Handbook (with Aaron Turner) (2015)
- One Thought Changes Everything (2017)
Lucy Di Marino - Happy
New Day: Uncovering Our Unlimited Potential (2016?)
Carolynne Melnyk - Finding Innate Joy or No More Chasing Butterflies (free mini e-book) (2016?)
Laura Basha - The Inward
Outlook (2014)
Darlene Stewart - Sanity, Insanity, and Common Sense: The Missing Link in Understanding Mental Health (with E.M.Suarez and Roger C. Mills) (1980)
- Creating the Teachable Moment (1992)
Bernie Gillespie - Open Mind, Open Heart: A Helper's Handbook (free download) (2015)
Ken Manning, Robin Charbit, Sandra Krot - Invisible Power: Insight Principles at Work - Everyone's
Hidden Inner Capacity (2015)
Lori Carpenos - Healthy Thinking/Feeling/Doing from the Inside Out (with Jack Pransky) (2000)
- It's an Inside-Out World (for youth/kids) (2016)
- The Secret of Love:
Unlock the Magic, Unleash the Mystery (with Christine Heath) (projected for May 2018)
Aviva Barnett - Ride the Wave: Journey from the Inside Out (2015)
Helen Neil-Ali
- O.K. Forever: A Book of Hope - 2nd Edition (2007)
Mary Schiller - The Joy Formula: The Simple Equation that Will Change Your Life (2015)
- Mind Yoga: The Simple Solution to Stress You've Never Heard Before
- A-Ha: How to Solve Any Problem in Record Time (2016)
- To Love Is to Listen: Transform Your Relationships and Your Life With A Powerful New Way to Listen (2016)
- You Have Permission: How to Stop Doing Stuff You Don't Want to
Do and Doing Stuff You Do Want to Do (2017)
- How to Be Happy in the Age of Trump (Short & Sweet Series) (2017)
- How to Be Happy When You're Broke (Short & Sweet Series) (2017)
- How to Price Like a Girl (Short & Sweet
Series) (2017)
- 14 Creations (Short & Sweet Series) (2017)
- Let's Make Money Honey (Short & Sweet Series) (2017)
- I Am Just a Woman (Second Edition 2017) (The pre-Principles published story of Mary's experience of PTSD,
with a newly added synopsis explaining her new understanding gained from insight into what the Three Principles point to.)
Christine Heath - The Secret of Love: Unlock the Magic, Unleash the Mystery (with Lori
Carpenos) (projected for May 2018)
Christa Campsall - Self-Esteeem is for Everyone (with J. Timm) (1994, 5th Edition)
- Inner Resource Guide (1995, 1999)
- My Guide Inside: Knowing Myself
and Understanding My World - Book I (with Kathy Marshall Emerson) - Learner Book and Teacher's Manual - Primary Curriculum - Ages 4-8 (2016) (for children) (2016)
- My Guide Inside: Knowing Myself
and Understanding My World - Book II (with Jane Tucker and Kathy Marshall Emerson) - Learner Book and Teacher's Manual - Intermediate Curriculum - Ages 9-12 (for children) (2016)
- My Guide Inside: Knowing Myself and Understanding My World - Book III (with Kathy Marshall Emerson) - Learner Book and Teacher's Manual - Secondary Curriculum - Ages 13-19 (for children
and teens) (2016)
- Whooo... Has a Guide Inside? (with Jane Tucker) (children's book) (2017)
Barbara L. McCombs and James E. Pope - Motivating Hard to Reach Students (1994)
Marshall Emerson - Educational Resiliency: Student, Teacher, and School Perspectives (2004)
- My Guide Inside: Knowing Myself and Understanding My World - Book I(with Kathy Marshall Emerson) -
Learner Book and Teacher's Manual - Primary Curriculum - Ages 4-8 (2016) (for children) (2016)
- My Guide Inside: Knowing Myself and Understanding My World - Book II (with Jane Tucker and Kathy
Marshall Emerson) - Learner Book and Teacher's Manual - Intermediate Curriculum - Ages 9-12 (for children) (2016)
- My Guide Inside: Knowing Myself and Understanding My World - Book III (with
Kathy Marshall Emerson) - Learner Book and Teacher's Manual - Secondary Curriculum - Ages 13-19 (for children and teens) (2016)
Jonathan Marshall - Three Principles of Psychology
Terry Rubenstein - Exquisite Mind: How a New Paradigm Transformed My Life... and is Sweeping the World (2016)
- The Peach Who Thought She Had to Be A Coconut: Profound Reflections on the Power of Thought
and Innate Resilience (co-authored with Brian Rubenstein) (NOT a children's book) (2017)
Sam Jarman - The Three Principles of Outstanding Golf: How a Golfer's Mind Really Works (2016)
and Lisa Esile - Whose Mind Is It Anyway? (2016)
Christian Frederik Olsen - Du ser verden, som DU er (Danish for "You See the World as You Are") (2016)
Dicken Bettinger and
Natasha Swerdloff - Coming Home: Uncovering the Foundations of Psychological Wellbeing (2016)
Ritorno a Casa (Italian version of Coming Home) (2019) Shaul Rosenblatt
- Why Bad Things Don't Happen to Good People: Finding Light in the Darkness (2016)
Frank Oknes - Tankenes Magi (Norwegian for "The Magic of Thought") (2016)
Henk Kok
- The Deep Peace of Living in the Feeling (2016)
Anne Curtis - The 3 Principles Amazing Growing Resources (also titled The 3 Principles Essential Resources Guide) - Part 1 (2016)
Hansen - The Shimmering Secret (illustrated by Ron Wagner) (children's book) (2016)
Amir Karkouti - Do Nothing... to Get Everything! (2013)
Lindsey Reed
- Got It!: The Answers to a Confident, Productive, and Stress-Free Life (2017)
Esty Raskin - Spark: A Book About Thought (children's book) (2017)
- Spark: Companion for Kids – Discussion Guide + Colour Book (children’s book) (2018)
Patrik Rowinski - Bortom Tanke (Swedish for Beyond Thought) (2017)
Kimberly Hare - The He'Art of Thriving: Musings on the Human Experience (2017)
Jill Whelan - Victim of Thought: Seeing Through the Illusion of Anxiety (2017)
Ross - Marriage: The Soul Centered Series #1 (2017)
Dr. Rani Bora - How to Turn Stress on Its Head: The Simple Truth that Can Change Your Relationship With Work (2017)
Turner - Toby and the Train of Thought (2017) (children's book)
Rachel Henke - Living Fearlessly (2017)
David Key - Joyride: One Life. Three Principles.
Infinite Potential. (2017)
Diana Kay - A Love Story of a Beam of Light (2017)
Antti Vanhanen - Falling Into Place: Being Human in a Spiritual World - A Guide to the Inside-Out
Nature of Life (2017)
Angel Farlam - Stress Relief: Your Personal Gide - Realise How You Can Be OK No Matter What Storms You Experience Through Life (2017)
Annie Laurie Holmes
- Becoming Human (2017)
Amanda Jones - Uncovery: A New Understanding
Behind Radical Freedom from Eating Disorders and Depression (2018)
Lucy Sheffield - The Table With No Edge (2018)
Shannon Cooper - True Nature: An Exploration of Being
Human (2018)
- True Nature Series: Anxiety (2018)
Naphtali Visser - Humans Working: Why Culture and Mindset Beat Strategy (2018)
Rich Hudson - Pressure Myths: Understanding
the Psychology of Performance (2018)
Clare Dimond - Real: The Inside-Out Guide to Being Yourself (The Inside-Out Guides) (2018)
- Free: The Inside-Out Guide to Life, Unlimited (The Inside-Out Guides) (2018)
- Ease: The Inside-Out Guide to Getting Real with Work (The Inside-Out Guides) (2019)
- Game: Getting Real with the Play of Life (2019)
Debra Simmons - Dare2BU (2018)
Gayle Nobel
- Space of Love (2018)
Brian Rubenstein - Escaping the Illusion (co-authored with Terry Rubenstein) (2018)
Nick Bottini - Just Play: The Simple Truth Behind Musical
Excellence (2018)
Deborah Binun - The Missing Peace in Childbirth: Birth with Confidence, Ease, and Peace of Mind (2018)
Barbara Webber - Feeling Loved: A Ted. E. Bear Story
Vivienne Edgecombe - 28 Days of Resilience: All You Need to Know About Your Innate Ability to Bounce Back (2018)
- Already Complete: Beyond the Myths of Childlessness (2018)
Snoad - The Myth of Mindset (The Renegade Coach Series) (2018)
Antonio Luis Gomez Molero - Lita la Frijolita (2017)
Sue Lachman - (Life Is A) Kaleidoscope:
Powerful Stories of Everyday Life that Encompass Hope and Forgiveness (Powerful Stories of a Mother to Inspire Hope and Happiness in You)(What if you could change your entire outlook on life?) (2018)
- Downs and Ups: A Single Moment Can Change Everything
(Life Happens. What We Do With It, Is What Metters)(2019)
- Rethinking Relationships (to be published soon in 2020)
Dare2BU - Inside Out Uni-Verse (2019)
Anni Silverdale
- Simply Being You: The Ultimate Guide for Choosing a Stress Free Life with Minimum Effort and Maximum Gain. Infinitely Well, Infinitely You! (2019)
Phil Hughes - It's All In the Mind You Know! (2019)
Harry Derbitsky - Evolution of Addiction Recovery (2019)
Ankush Jain - Sweet Sharing (2019)
Nicola Bird - A Little Peace of Mind:
The Revolutionary Solution for Freedom From Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Stress (2019)
Antonio Luis Gomez Molero (with Pablo Ortega Lopez and Gabriela Maldonado-Montano) - Lita la frijolita: y la asombrosa aventura del
globo de chicle (Spanish children's book) (2017)
Alexandra Amor - Stop Suffering About Being Broken: Because You're Not (2019)
helpful resources for books and publications:
Mark Howard's Town Hall Forum Teleseminars
Monthly Teleseminars hosted by Mark Howard... http://threeprinciplesinstitute.org/teleseminar/ Also on iTunes Podcasts:
https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/three-principles-institute/id1112324405?mt=2 Town Hall Forum Kick-Off Teleseminar - Finding the Wisdom With You for Happiness and Contentment
- A daily Dose of Listening and Forgiveness Makes
for a Happy Relationship
- Getting Over Things: The Path Toward Peace of Mind
- Forgiveness: The Key Ingredient for Peace of Mind
- What Thoughts are Hijacking Your Happiness?
- Developing the 'Eyes' to See the Love in Your Relationships
- Keeping the 'Holiday Spirit' of Generosity, Kindness, and Love, All Year Round
- The Hope of the Principles
- Self-Esteem: It's There for the Taking
- There is Nothing Wrong with You - Truly
- If it's Just Thought, then What
Good are My Feelings?
- Bother-Proofing Your Relationships
- Generosity and Gratitude - The Pure Expression of Love
- Getting Past Guild to Understanding Yourself
- Finding Our True Nature
- Keeping the Holiday Feeling All
Year Round
- Chasing Those 'What Ifs' Out the Door
- Love and Understanding; The Key to a Happy Life
- Key to Sharing the Principles - Listen
- Just Live Life
- Contentment - The Key to Mental Health
- Separate Realities
- The Key to Happy Relationships
- The Hope that Comes from Syney Banks' Experience
- Keeping the Holiday Feelings of Love and Generosity All Year Round
- You Can't Be Nice and Happy at the Same Time
- Love Is All You Need
- Waking Up the Knowledge Within
- You Are Complete
- It's Just Love and Understanding
- Just Be Yourself - The Road to Self-Esteem
- Going from What Isn't to What Is
- Stress - It's Just a Level of Consciousness Issue
- Living in the Holiday Feeling All Year Long
- Self Esteem - You Already Have It
- Chronic Stressful Thoughts Are All We Are Up Against
- Reflection and Quiet Mind: The Fertile Ground for Insight
- Be Ordinary - The Path to a
Peaceful Mind
- Looking Beyond Compulsive Thinking
- Comparisons
Take Us Away from Happiness
- It’s Love and Understanding
- Keeping the Holiday Feeling All Year Round
And more as the series continues...
Fireside Chats With Elsie Spittle and Linda Pransky: (blogtalkradio.com/pransky)
On the Front Porch with Amy Chen
Here's a link to Amy's radio talks that occur on the 2nd and 4th Friday, each month. The show archives are available via iTunes podcast. Show archives are also available at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/CTR-AmiChen
Living From the Inside Out // Michael Neill Weekly Radio Show
Weeky show on Hay House radio hosted by Michael Neill. If you miss the live show, the recording for the most recent past show is available at the bottom of the page at this link... The archives of all past shows are also available via Hay House subscription, or via Michael's Inner Circle membership. Short clips from his radio show (Caffeine for the Soul) are available via podcast... He also has a few shows from 2014 that show up at a different podcast
"What if Life is Wow" Radio Show Interviews
Show archives with host Tomas Lydahl at: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/radiowow George Pransky Kara Stamback and Erika Bugbee Jack Pransky Barbara Patterson Linda Pransky & Elsie Spittle Eirik Grunde Olsen Dicken Bettinger Aaron Turner
+ more as the show continues...
Waking Up: The Neuroscience of Awareness
Radio show hosted by Jeanne Catherine Gray of Divine Play, Mondays at 12PM Eastern. Archives are available on iTunes podcasts and posted on the Divine Play website. Audio Interview List (in order as they
appear on iTunes): - Jeanne Catherine - The End of Suffering
- Jen Lucas - Sneak Peek: Laughter, Dialogue, and Wisdom
- Dicken Bettinger - You Are Not Who You Think You Are
- Joseph
T. Hallinan - How We Look Without Seeing
- Jen Lucas Interviews Jeanne Catherine-Gray - Freedom of Mind
- Allan Knight - Success from the Soul: A New Understanding
- Jeanne Catherine-Gray
- Intimacy: A Living Room Chat
- John Catherine Gray and Jen Lucas - 3PGC Conference News
- Jen Lucas Interviews Jeanne Catherine-Gray - A New Approach to Trauma
- Dicken Bettinger - Ego
in Service to Wisdom
- Jeanne Catherine-Gray - Living Room Chat: Parenting from Wisdom
- Jeff Canon - Not One More: When It;s Time to Act
- Jen Lucas Interviews Jeanne Catherine-Gray -
Food is Thought
- Jack Pransky - Teaching the Three Principles
- Jeanne Catherine-Gray - Family Dynamics: Living Room Chat
- Steve Adair - Living in Wonder
- Jen Lucas and
Jeanne Catherine-Gray - Intention: A Gift or a Curse?
- Tensin Thosam - Delight in the Secret of You!
- Dicken Bettinger - Embracing Grief Through Understanding
- Cathy Casey and Tzvi
Werther - How Do I Make This Work? The Simple Truth About Relationships
- Jen Lucas Interviews Jeanne Catherine-Gray - Practical Consciousness - How Waking Up Changes Your life
- Brad Stoller and Pam Gibson
- Body as Circumstance
- Jeanne Catherine - Parenting from the Heart: Living Room Chat
- Eben Alexander - Map of Heaven
- Jen Lucas Interviews Jeanne Catherine Gray - What are the Three
Principles and Why Do They Matter?
- Andy Winter - Tired of Parenting? Ready for Insight and Change?
- Dicken Bettinger - Quiet Mind, Loving Heart
- Elena Castro - Affordable, Life-Changing,
Accessible - What is it?
- Jacquie Forde and Jen Lucas - Do You Approve?
- Jack Pransky - Listen
- Elsie Spittle and Jan Chipman - Being in Service: From the Inside Out
- Jeanne
Catherine Gray - Waking Up and Thriving: The Simple Truth
- Jeanne Catherine Gray - The Impact of Listening on the Quality of Your Experience
- Sandy Krot - Improving Outcomes in Business
- Barb
Patterson - Building Your Own Business from the Inside Out
- Ami Chen Mills-Naim - The Business of Teaching
- Amy Leo - Mindful Business Building
- Dr. Judy Sedgeman - Finding
Mental Health Through Peace of Mind
- Mara Gleason - Twice as Far, Half the Effort!
- Jen Lucas Interview Jeanne Catherine - How Do I Feel Better? Mental Health Made Simple!
- Gulf Breeze Recovery
Program Founders - A Way Out: Addiction Recovery
- Mark Howard - How the 3 Principles Will Change Your Therapy Practice Forever
- Jen Lucas and Andy Winter - Letting Go into Grace
- Dicken
Bettinger - The Evolution of Psychology: A Simple But Profound New Understanding
- Sandy Krot - Invisible Power: Your Hidden Capacity
- Chris Morris - Freedom Beyond Words
- Jack Pransky
- Listen
- Sara Murre - SuperCoach Academy
- Steve Chandler - Would You Like to Be a Coach?
- Craig Polsfuss - Thought, Perception, Principles, and the Brain!
- Pam Gibson
- Parenting With Grace
- Dr. Laura Basha - Business and Balance
- Elsie Spittle - The Simplicity and Power of Living in the Moment
- Annika Hurwitt - How Insights Cure Addictions and Other
Troubling Thought Patterns
- Robin Charbit and Ken Manning - Insight Principles in Business: Transforming the Corporate World
- Gabriela Maldonado - Relationship & Freedom: Could that Be Me?
- Amy
Leo - Best Year Yet
- Michael Neill - Building a Super Coach Community
- Rabbi Twerski - Restoring Vitality: A Community Project
- Cynthis Stennis and lloyd Fields - The Secret
to Building a Powerful Community
- Jeanne Catherine - How to Build a Thriving Community
- Helen Neal-Ali - Community Violence Transformed?
- Jeanne Catherine - Beyond Overwhelm
- Annika
Hurwitt - 3P Resiliency: A New Model for Mental Health Professionals
- Jen Lucas and Amy Leo Patterson - Waking Up White: Girlfriends Guide to Racism
- Jeanne Catherine - Expectation and Experience
- Jeanne Catherine - Adulthood? How the Principles Change Everything
- Jeanne Catherine - Thriving Amidst Sexism! What Are the Principles and Why Do They Matter?
- Jen Lucas and Amy Leo Patterson
- Now What? A Simple Approach to Personal Change
- Jeanne Catherine - Am I REsponsible For What's Happening to Me?
- Jeanne Catherine - Shouldn't I Be Able to Control My Life?
- Jeanne Catherine
- Hooked?
- Jeanne Catherine - How Change Happens
- Jeanne Catherine - The Simplicity and Power of Being Alive
- Joe Bailey - The Resilient Healter: How Misunderstanding Creates
- Dr. Judith Sedgeman - Expectations in Thought and How to Transcend Them!
- Mary Schiller - Transforming PTSD
- Dr. Dicken Bettinger - The Trinity of Mind, Consciousness,
and Thought
- Mara Gleason - One Solution to Change the World
- Ankush Jain - Powerful Men
- Sandra Krot - Practical Magic: Perspectives on Empowering Corporate Culture
- Dr.
Rita Schuford - Building a Thriving Practice
- Jonelle Simms - How Do I Share a Spiritual Awakening and Still Sound Sane?
- Dr. Cheryl Bond - Workforce Resilience: What Every Employer Needs their Workers
to Know!
- Dr. Amy Johnson - Ready to Clean Up and Get On With Your Life?
- Jeanne Catherine - The Business of Teaching the Principles
- Joe Bailey - The Art of Teaching the Principles
- Sandy Krot - The Power and Simplicity of Truth
- Dr. Dicken Bettinger - Dicken Bettinger Shares
- Dr. Dicken Bettinger - Coming Home: A Better Way to Build Your Business
- Jeanne
Catherine - Money, Money, Money
- Lisa Esile - Who's Mind Is It Anyway?
- Amy Leo - Escaping the Rat Race
- Dr. Amy Johnson - The No Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit
- Dr. Jack Pransky - Effective Deep Listening for Transformation
- Dr. Annika Hurwitt Schahn - The Single Paradigm
- Jeanne Catherine - Relationships? Can't Live With Them and Can't...
- Barb Patterson - Being Yourself and Why It's Your Greatest Asset
- Dr. Judy Sedgeman - Would You Like to Thrive?
- Jeanne Catherine - The Business of Teaching the Principles - Part 2
- Jen Lucas - When Parenting Sucks!
- Jeanne Catherine - How Do I Get Mental Health?
- Jeanne Catherine - It's Not About Them: Finding Transformation Within
- Jeanne Catherine
- Failing at Life? A Story of Change
- Nathaniel Moore - Down & Out? Embrace a New Understanding (11OCT2016)
- Anna Holmback - Translating Mental Health for Everyone (19OCT2016)
- Dorota Juszkiewiczto
- The Gift of You (30OCT2016)
- John Grey and Jen Lucas - One Solution: Why Hope Changes Everything (01NOV2016)
- George Pransky - Getting Paid to Said the Obvious: How Do You Do It? (16NOV2016)
- Jen
Lucas - Knowing What to Do In the Face of Dire Circumstances (17NOV2016)
- Amanda Jones - UNcovery from an Eating Discorder (24NOV2016)
- Helen Neil-Ali - Racism (29NOV2016)
- Christine
Heath - The Power of Insight: A 180 Degree Change in a Therapy Practice (13DEC2016)
- Rudi Kennard - Surviving, Even Thriving, Through Divorce (13DEC2016)
- Joe Bailey - The Other Side Of Burnout (20DEC2016)
- Jen Lucas - The Gift of You (27DEC2016)
- Sandra Krot - Building Your Business: How to Get Clients (03JAN2017)
- Dicken Bettinger - A Better Way to Build Your Business (Part 2) (17JAN2017)
- Harry Derbitsky - Healing of Addictions: The Missing Link-A Journey to Happiness and Wellbeing (24JAN2017)
- Ed Lemon - Effective Policing: What Does an Understanding of the Mind Have to Do With Criminal Justice
- Dr. Jack Pransky - Sydney Banks, The Human Being (31JAN2017)
- Brooke Wheeldon-Reece - Operation Meet Will Smith (11FEB2017)
- Dr. Annika Hurwitt - Transforming Your Practice
Through the Single Paradigm (14FEB2017)
- Jeanne Catherine Grey - 21 Days of Business Building (21FEB2017)
- Amy Leo - Eascaping the Rat Race of Dating and Relationships (03MAR2017)
- Jeanne Catherine
Grey - Business Building (08MAR2017)
- Jacqueline Hollows - Freedom In Prison: Can It Be Found? (16MAR2017)
- Sandra Koenig - Transcending Trauma (23MAR2017)
- Sandra Krot - Outliers:
Insight Principles at Work (03APR2017)
- Ami Chen Mills-Naim - Spriritual Activism (06APR2017)
- Mahima Shrestha - Collective Change Made Simple (13APR2017)
- Jen Lucas - Real People,
Real Insight, Real Change (20APR2017)
- Jeanne Catherine Grey - Awakening Resilience (02MAY2017)
- Mary Schiller - You Have Permission (02MAY2017)
- Ed Lemon and Jerry Williams - Profiling:
Policing Par 2 (09MAY2017)
- Krista and Reed Smith - Addiction: Moving Beyond Practices in Recovery (18MAY2017)
- Jenny Anderson and Dave Elleray - Breaking Down Barriers (24MAY2017)
- Jeanne Catherine
Grey - Resiliency (08JUN2017)
- Ashley Hunt - SPARK! Educators Taking Back Student Learning (20JUN2017)
- Barb Patterson - Beyond Special (20JUN2017)
- Mahima Shrestha - Innovation,
Violence, Entrepeneurship: Speaking with a Leader (30JUN2017)
- Mara Gleason - One Thought Changes Everything (05JUL2017)
- Dicken Bettinger –
Silence & Love (10JUL2017)
- Dr. Audre Garcia – Reasons Why: Being At Home After Loss (17JUL2017)
- Deborah Trent – Inspiration After Addiction (31JUL2017)
- Rohini Ross – Understanding the Real Cause of
Burnout (07AUG2017)
- JJ Hill and Lindsey Schwartz – Solutions to Violence in Chicago (14AUG2017)
- Christine Higgins – She Seems Happy… Can I Have That? (21AUG2017)
- Ron McVety – How I Built This (28AUG2017)
- Jeanne Catherine – Charlottesville, VA: Our Shared Neuroscience and Thriving After White Supremacy (04SEP2017)
- Michael Neill – Why Aren’t We Awesomer? (11SEP2017)
- Ami Chen Mills-Naim – Spiritual Activism After Violence
- Jeanne Catherine – What If Inmates Felt Better (25SEP2017)
- Brooke
Bishop – Ther Is No Inside: Reflection, Learning and Spiritual Growth (02OCT2017)
- Jeanne Catherine – What Are the Three Principles and How
Do They Work? (09OCT2017)
- Dicken Bettinger – Beyond Your Ego (16OCT2017)
- Amy
Leo – Taking Risks (23OCT2017)
- Jeanne Catherine – Why Not Me? (30OCT2017)
- Tzvi Werther – Truth & Freedom (06NOV2017)
- Steve Chandler – Right Now (13NOV2017)
- Rudi Kennard – Non-Duality & Principles of Psychological Functioning (20NOV2017)
- Mary White
– Adolescent Girls, Real Problems & the Human Condition (27NOV2017)
- Aviva Barnett – How Do I Get Out of Upset? (04DEC2017)
- Caroline Frenette – Success in the New Year! (11DEC2017)
- Marie Thouin-Savard
– Sexuality Embodied: Inside Out (18DEC2017)
And more as the show continues...
The Primal Happiness Show
The New Paradigm
3P discussions hosted by Morten Hake and available via podcast... https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/rss-feed/id906475217 - NP001 - Ankush Jain
- NP002 -
Jamie Smart
- NP003 - Virginia (Gini)
- NP004 - Skype with guy from Holland :)
- NP005 - Don Deacy
- NP006 - Kristian Verde
- NP007 - Eirik Grunde Olsen
- NP008 - Lian Brook-Tyler
- NP009 - Rudy Kennard
- NP010 - Janet Lindsay
- NP011 - Heine Kolltveit
- NP012 - Anders Haglund
- NP013 - David Andersson
- NP014 - Dicken Bettinger
- NP015 - Steve Pavlina, Kai Christen, Kristoffer Krossoy, Rachelle Fordyce, Josh
- NP016 - Mara Gleason
- NP017 - Katja Symons
- NP018 - Kjetil Haugmo
- NP019 - Niko Leppanen
- NP020 - Jamie Smart
- NP021 - Kristian Verde
- NP022 - Elaine Hilides
- Bonus - Imperfectly Perfect
- NP023 - Lucy Bainbridge
- NP024 - Tony Broadbent
And more as the show continues...
Shortcuts With Eoin McCabe on Natural Health Radio
Freda Mooncotch - Discussions with 3P Practitioners (2009)
Discussions facilitated by Freda Mooncotch (hosted via Pransky & Associate's Blog Talk Radio channel in 2009)
List of shows: - Garret Kramer - The Principles and Athletic Performance
- Annika Hurwitt Schahn - How Your Emotions and Moods Affect Your Relationships - Part 1
- Robert Kausen - Relationships in the Sales Process
- Garret Kramer - How Athletes Deal with Errant Thoughts and the Concept of "Shaking It Off"
- Annika Hurwitt Schahn - How Moods and Emotions are Affecting Your Relationships - Part 2
- Robert Kausen - Raising Healthy, High Self Esteem Children
- Garret Kramer - Selecting a Teacher, Mentor, or Coach
- Annika Hurwitt Schahn - Forgiveness
- Garret Kramer - The Answer Will Come!: Trusting Your Wisdome
- Annika Hurwitt Schahn - How Ego Gets in the Way of Good Relationships
- Robert Kausen - Three Things You Need to Know to Properly Nourish Any Relationship
- Garret Kramer - Political Correctness in Youth Sports Today
- Annika Hurwitt Schahn - How Our Thinking Turns Our Mate's Assets into Liabilities
- Robert
Kausen - Resolving Conflicts: Evolving Misunderstanding to Creative Solutions
- Garret Kramer - Leadership and Misconceptions of What True Leadership is About
- Annika Hurwitt Schahn - Higher Consciousness as a Business Tool: How to Know When
Your Ego is in the Way
- Robert Kausen - Delving Deeper into the Principles
- Garret Kramer - Learning from a Loss
- Annika Hurwitt Schahn - Habitual Thinking and One Guest-Listener's Struggle with Weight Loss
- Robert Kausen -
Common Questions About Relationships
- Garret Kramer - Tyrone Keys: Former D Lineman with the Chicago Bears
- Annika Hurwitt Schahn - The Difference Between Principles-Based Psychology and Traditional Therapy
- Robert Kausen - The Invisible
Factor in Every Relationship
- Garret Kramer - The Book is Never Written
- Robert Kausen - Delving Deeper into the Principles
- Garret Kramer - Living Life vs the Game of Life
- Garret Kramer - Cat Fighting Gets Ugly During BYU
vs New Mexico Soccer Match
- Annika Hurwitt Schahn - Deeper Feelings
- Annika Hurwitt Schahn - Deeper Feelings: The Missing Link to the Green Movement - Part 1
- Garret Kramer - Intentions: Living Life Like Your Life is on the Line
- Annika Hurwitt Schahn - Sustainability from the Inside Out - Part 2
- Garrett Kramer - Our Take on Tiger Woods
Some of Annika's interviews are also posted here:
OneWoman.global Podcasts
28 discussions between Jacquie Forde and Amy Johnson iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/onewoman-global/id1021672209?mt=2
- Introductory Podcast OneWoman.Global
- Being Human
- Still Being Human - Further Reflections
- How Busyness Shrinks the World
- Are You Afraid to Be Quiet
- A Conversation About the Holidays with Lian
- If the Holidays Are Hard
- Why You Aren't Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions
- Starting Anew
- Habits and Addictions: Part 1
- Sex
- Does Valentines Day Make You Crazy?
- What Prevents You From
Trusting Life?
- Trusting Life in Work and Business
- A New Perspective on Forgiveness
- How to Forgive
- Don't Let Money Get You Down
- How to Not Let Money Get You Down
- How Not to Be Bothered
- More on How
Not to Be Bothered
- Leaving Behind What No Longer Serves You - Is It Easy or Hard to Do?
- This Human Being Thing
- Love the Frog
- Bold Certain and Profound
- Soul Shifts
- What Is Ego Anyway?
- How to Live
Beyond the Ego
- Who Got the Oscar?
Simplicity Sessions
Audio discussions hosted by Nicola Bird and John El Mokadem Session List: - Simplicity from the Inside Out
- White Wine and Facebook Addiction
- Where's the Money in My Business (Guest Alex)
- Helen's Story: Beyond Anxiety (Guest Helen)
- One Simple Solution to Global Problems? (Guest Mara Gleason & Eirik Olsen)
- How Defining Our Life Purpose Might Just Be the Thing Getting in the Way (Guest Kim)
- The Space Within: An Interview with Michael Neill (Guest Michael Neill)
- The Best Ways to Limit Creativity (Guest Elizabeth)
- The
Story of the G-Pot (Guest David Key)
- Are You Overthinking It? (Guest Shailia Stephens Wursig)
- Can Weight Loss Be Simple? (Guest Georgiana)
- The Practical Application of the Principles in Business (Guest Cheryl
- The Connection Between Dog Poo and Politics (Guest Jacquie Forde)
- Making the Shift
- Kids and Summer Holidays
- Being Real in Our Relationships
The Caroline Frenette Show
Podcast radio show with Three Principles practitioners (and other non-3P guests), hosted by Caroline Frenette List of Shows: - Kim Kaase - You Don't Have to Think Positive to Achieve High Levels of Success
- Caroline Frenette - Saying Yes to Life: An Experiment in Living a Fuller Life
- Sara
Lewis Murre - Going Beyond What We Think is Possible
- Caroline Frenette - Saying Yes to Life: Recognizing Wisdom Over Fear
- Dominic Scaffadi - How to Stop Following Other People's Success Map and Creating
Your Own
- Caroline Frenette - Saying Yes to Life: Where's My Wisdom When I Need It
- Barbara Patterson - Showing Up to Life in Real Time
- Caroline Frenette - How to Go With the Flow
of Life in Challenging Situations
- Caroline Frenette - 5 Day No Complaining Challenge + Join My MasterMind
- Ged Welch - Chanelling the Inner Adventurer in Business and in Life
- Christine Heath
- How to Listen to Wisdom, Seize Opportunities, & Create Leaps in Your Business
- Caroline Frenette - How to Deal with Negative Mind Chatter and Find Your Creative Flow
- Ken Manning - The Invisible Power
That Shapes Our Lives
- Missing Episode
- Caroline Frenette - Saying Yes to Life
- Caroline Frenette - How to Recognize and Tune Into Intuition
- Caroline Frenette - Saying
Yes to Life - Transformative Power of Deep Listening
- Caroline Frenette - Knowing When to Quite and How to Quit Fast
- Caroline Frenette - Too Many Ideas? This Will Help You Choose the Right One
- Sandy
Krot - The True Power of Thought
- Caroline Frenette - The Power of a Magnetic Vision for Your Business
- Michael Neill - Biz and Wine Talk
- Rudi Kennard - How to Get Started
on A Big Project or Business When You Don't Have Money
- Caroline Frenette - From Idea to Execution When You're Lacking the Instruction Manual
- Caroline Frenette - 3PGC Conference Takeaways (3PGC Global Community)
- Caroline Frenette - Wisdom Centred Leadership
- Mary Schiller - New Leadership and the Three Principles
- Caroline Frenette - What is Effortless and What Does It Look Like In Your Business?
- Caroline Frenette - Setting Goals With Your Inner CEo
- Dicken Bettinger - Destiny, Fate, and the Genius of Wisdom
- Caroline Frenette - Tuning Into Your Wisdom to Create the Impossible
- Barb Patterson - My New Co-Host for this Special Series
- Barb Patterson - Reverse Engineering the Right Way
- Caroline Frenette - A Fresh New Approach to Marketing: Transformative Marketing
- Mara Gleason & Friends - Talk About One Solution Global
- Barb Patterson - Q&A Session
- Caroline Frenette - Behind the Scenes of the Launch of My 12-Week Online Program From
Broke to Blissfully Booked
- Barb Patterson - Letting Life Do the Heavy Lifting
- Kim Kaase - Get That Weight Off Your Shoulder - You Are NOT Your Business
- Caroline Frenette - Your Clients
Are Everywhere, and How to Become More Visible
- Caroline Frenette - Bonus Summer Episode
- Caroline Frenette – What is a Mastermind and Why You Want to Join One
- Lindsay Padilla
– Creating Online Courses that Truly Deliver Value
- Michael Neill – Up Close and Personal with Michael Neill
- Ancalmo Asham – Branding Made Easy
- Kim Kaase –
Up Close & Personal with The Taboo Coach Kim Kaase
- Hillary Weiss – Copywriting with Hillary Weiss
- Jeanne Catherine Gray – Entrepreneurship and the Three Principles
- Elsie Spittle
– Up Close and Personal with Elsie Spittle
- Caroline Frenette – Exploring Commitment from the Inside-Out
- Suzanne Hoare – Conversion Copywriting
- Caroline Frenette
– Up Close & Personal with Caroline Frenette Interview by Kim Kaas
- Caroline Frenette – How to Prepare for Your Launch and What to Avoid
- Dicken Bettinger – Moving from Personal Improvement
to a Global View
And more as the show continues...
High Performance from the Inside Out
Podcast by David Westerman... On Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/high-performance-from-the-inside-out-3/high-performance-from-the-inside-out
Podcast list on his website: http://highperformancepodcast.com/ Episode List: - Setting the Table
- The Power of Defining Moments
- The Magical Power of Thought
- Can
the Past Really Hold You Back?
- The Key to Getting Unstuck
- Garret Kramer - Leadership from the Inside Out
- The 3 Ps of the Ego
- Dr. Amy Johnson - How to Kick the Misunderstanding of Habit Change
- Peace in Mind versus Peace of Mind
- Why You're Always Ready but Not Always Prepared
- What Are You Really Afraid Of?
- Do You Really Have to Deal With Pressure?
- Doing More, Thinking Less
- Michael Neill
- Being At Your Best More of the Time
- Predicting the Future
- Are You Good at Decision Making?
- Mark Howard - The Power of Love and Understanding
- Confidence and Common Sense
- High Performance Minute
Series #1 - The Path of No Resistance
- Influencing Others Part 1 - How Much Control Do We Really Have?
- Influencing Others Part 2 - Where Does Influence Come From?
- Influencing Others Part 3 - Unlimited Influence
- High
Performance Minute - Mahatma Ghandi
- Evidence of Inspiration - How to Get Started Part 1
- Being Risk Free - How to Get Started Part 2
- Fear of Failure - How to Get Started Part 3
- 2 Special Announcements - High Performance Minute
- Mara Gleason - The Power of Reconnection
- Seeing the Illusion - The Power of Hope Part 1
- The Wisdom of Mind - The Power of Hope Part 2
- Who You Really Are: High Performance Minute
- Waking Up Passion
- Living on Purpose
- Unleash Your Power
- High Performance Quote - High Performance Minute
- Telling the Truth
- The Comparison Trap
- Being Unleashed
- Chasing the Horizon
- Feeling Overwhelmed
- The Positive Thinking Trap
- The Ebb and Flow: High Performance Music
- Clear Mind, Better Memory
- The Magician and the Engineer
- The Thinking Diet
- What Does One Thing Have to Do With the Other?
Podium - Spiritual Truths Behind Elite Sports Performance
Perspectives shared and discussions facilitated by Denise Holland Website List: https://podiumelitesport.libsyn.com/ iTunes Podcast List: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/podium-spiritual-truths-behind-elite-sports-performance/id1202262556
- Introduction to Spiritual Truths Behind Elite Sports Performance
- Quiet Mind Under Pressure
- Coaching from a Quiet Mind
- What Do I Mean By "Spiritual"
- The Innocent Ego Mind
- The Illusion of Confidence
- Pure Consistency
- Understanding Your Mental Life
- Figuring It All Out
- Grayson Hart - Part 1 - Glasgow Warrior - Professional Rugby Player
- Grayson Hart - Part 2 - Getting...
- Grayson
Hart - Part 3 - Relationship
- Grayson Hart - Part 4 - Beyond Mistakes
- Adam Ashe - Part 1 - Beyond the So-Called Ideal Performance State
- Adam Ashe - Part 2 - Demystify the
Essence of Human Performance
- Adam Ashe - Part 3 - The X Factor
- Adam Ashe - Part 4 - Stressless Relationships
- Dr. George Pransky - Part 1 - Achieving Performance Excellence in Sport
- Dr. George Pransky - Part 2 - Beyond Resistance and Taking People There
- Dr. George Pransky - Part 3 - Evolving the Elite Training Environment (ETE)
- Dr. George Pransky - Part 4 - You Have
Nothing to Sell
- Performance Comes Naturally, Why Force It?
- Effective Relationships - Get Over Yourself!
- Beyond Doubt and Hesitation
- Holidays & Head Noise
- The Invisible Quality of Momentum
- Addiction
and Elite Sport - The Parallels
- Sports Coaches Cannot Really Influence Performance
- When God Shows Up on the Golf Course
- Pre-Season - Same Old, or Revolutionary!
- Dina Asher-Smith & Usain Bolt - One of
a Kind!
- Bad Moods - Are They Damaging Your Life and Results?
- Did Something Happen or Not?
- Jamie Smart – Part 1 – Performing at Your Best When You’re at Your…
- Jamie Smart – Part 2 – What
Does Jamie Smart See New and Fresh?
- Jamie Smart – Part 3 – Who You Really Are
- Jamie Smart – Part 4 – The Benefits of Understanding How Experience…
- Jamie Smart – Part 5 – Chasing Consistency
of Performance – Is it hel…
- Mental Health Awareness and Spirituality
- Unconditional Performance
- Superstition and Performance
- Take Me Out – Authentic Connection
- Rudi Kennard – Part 1 –
Former Contestant of the BBC Show Gladiators
- Rudi Kennard – Part 2 – Everest Base Camp
And more as the series continues...
A Little Peace of Mind
Podcast hosted by Nicola Bird: Website: https://alittlepeaceofmind.co.uk/podcast/ iTunes:
https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-little-peace-of-mind-podcast/id1255557559?mt=2 - Nicola Bird - A Fresh Look at Anxiety
- Nicola Bird - What if You Didn't
Have to Fix It
- Gail Hooper - Beyond PTSD
- Michael Neill - Do Less Better
- John El-Mokadem - Health Anxiety
- Shannon and Claudia - I'm Not Getting It
- Mary
Schiller - Hope
- John El-Mokadem - Insight as a Lever for Change
- Pete Bailey - I Woke Up the Next Morning and It Was Gone
- Helen - Helen's Story
- Bonita Rayner-Jones
- Transformation of Eczema and Digestive Problems
- Sharon - Why You Don't Have to Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
- Wendi Saggese – Cancer Without Fear
- Clare Dimond – Public
- Bill Pettit and Elizabeth Lovius – Never Broken, Nothing Lacking
- John El Mokadem – Are You Afraid to Get Well?
- Dan – What If All Our Children Really Understood
How the Mind Works?
- Amy Johnson – The Simple Way to Big Change
- Jill Whalen – How Can We Change A Feeling?
- Brooke Wheeldon-Reece – Anxiety and Kids
- Why
Does It Sometimes Get Worse Before It Gets Better?
- Tania Elfersy – Anxiety and Menopause
- Rachel Henke – Living Fearlessly
- Michael Neill – Creating the Impossible
- Aaron Turner – Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
- Always Less to Do Than You Think
...and more as the show continues...
Coaching Life
Discussions hosted by Phil Goddard (some discussions may not be 3P- focused) https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-coaching-life/id1151414178?mt=2&i=1000391705955
- Kevin Waldron
- Karen Davis
- Piers Thurston
- Kamin Samuel
- Dave Kibby
- Allison Crow
- Rich Habets
- Dave Kibby
- Deniz Turkcu
- John P Morgan
- Lynette Allen
- Carolyn Freyer-Jones
- Robert Holden
- Lian Brook-Tyler
- Jason Goldberg
- Kimberley Kaase
- Amir Karkouti
- Trip Lanier
- Susan Andrewes
- Pete Bryceland
- Rohini Ross
- John Wittry
- Monica Day
- Matt Watkins
- Jesse Gros
- Nicky Bartley
- Elsie Storm
- Lean Ann Mallett
- Kim Kaase
- Rachel Henke
- Alex Mill
- Mark J Silverman
And more as the shows continue...
Episodes in Troubled Thinking
Podcast hosted by Antti Vanhanen and Steve M Nash https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/episodes-in-troubled-thinking/id1247948073?mt=2
- The Power of Expectations
- Stressed About Money
- The Inside-Out Understanding
- Is Motivation Necessary to Do Great Things
- Troubled Thinking and What to Do About It
- The Power of Insight
- When
to Argue and When to Listen
- The Beautiful Inevitability of Sadness
- Conflict Management from the Inside Out
- Can There Be a Transformative Coaching Conversation if the Client Doesn't Have a Problem?
- Does the Inside Out Conversation
Get Repetitive Over Time?
- Monogamy and Polyamory from the Inside Out
- How to Deal With Difficult People
- Spiritual Pride
- What’s the Point of Transformative Coaching?
- Boredom – The Silent Killer?
- Why
Is Being Present So Difficult Sometimes?
- Reflections
- A Coaching Conversation About Nothing in Particular
- Difficult Conversations
- The Foundation of Enduring Relationships
- Tribes – The Human Multiplier
- Finding Imperfections in Relationships
- I Can Relax When…
- What Role Does Success Play in Happiness?
- Fear of Rejection
- Coaching and Our Infinite Potential
- Interview with Jill Whelan
- What if Life
Really is a Simulation? Then What?
- What is the Practical Benefit of the Inside-Out Understanding?
And more as the show continues...
Soul Shift/Unashamedly Human Podcast
Perspectives shared and discussions facilitated by Jacquie Forde https://soundcloud.com/jacquie-forde/tracks https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-unashamedly-human-podcast/id1399623635?mt=2
- Soul Shifts
- Bold Certain and Profound
- Love the Frog
- This Being Human
- I Am What I Am
- Coming Home
- Playing the Game of Life
- Becoming Thought Proof
- Perish the Thought - How to Not
Get Hung Up on What You Are Thinking
- Are You Making a Difference in the World
- Who Got the Oscar?
- Surrendering to Life
- Diving into the Unknown Without Wasting Time
- Who Is Driving the Bus
- Gathering Thoughts
and Taking Action
- Spiritual Awakenings in the Boardroom
- Don't Buy Into Your Own Moods
- The Self Delusion
- Limited by Thought
- Crossing the Threshold Into Our Divine Spiritual Nature
- What Got Us Here Won't
Get Us There
- Strange Thoughts
- Women's Wellbeing Conference 2017 - Real Wellbeing, Real Women, Real Lives
- Share What You Know
- Loving No Matter What
- Take a Knee
- Tears, Mood Swings, and Thought Tsunamis
- Divine Discomfort Pitching for Business
- The Natural Flow of Thought
- Overcomplicate the Principles Much?
- The Intellect, Information, and the Power of Feelings
- Are You Pulling Your Hair Out to Find a Simpler Understanding
of Life?
- The Beauty of Uncertainty
- When Thoughts Harm or Hurt Us
- Collapsing Boundaries Through a Simple Understanding of the Mind
- How to Be Extraordinarily Ordinary
- It’s Not You It’s Me
- How
to Become Truly Madly Deeply in Love with How Your Mind Works
- The Barman, Low Moods, and an Invitation to Be a Decent Human Being
- Eating Disorders with Amanda Jones
Nov 1, 2018
And more as the series continues...
Rethink Everything
Podcast hosted by Damian Mark Smyth https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/rethink-everything/id1203901025?mt=2 The episode list
includes discussions with the following 3P and non-3P guests: - Dave Kibby
- Ami Chen Mills-Naim
- Mary Schiller
- Jill Whelan
- Gavin Presman
- Mark Logbottom
- Craig Polsfuss
- Anne Jenett
- Brian Calhoun
- Steven Foster
- Rachel Elnaugh
- Debra Simmons
- Janet Jones
- Daniel Gefen
- Zach Benson
- Laura Coe
- Surina Mangat and Sidra Jafri
- Lucy Herd
- Gail Evans
- Graham
Turner & Julie Brown
- Dean Rees-Evans
- Lian Brook-Tyler
- Science and the Three Principles
- Margaux Khoury
- John Lamerton (Part 1)
- John Lamerton (Part 2)
- Gina Hussar
- Alison Smith
- Allan
- Anna Parker
- Jasmina Paul
- Tanya E Mann Rennick
- Dr. Jack Pransky
- Antti Vanhanen
- Louis Danielle
And more as the series continues...
Escaping the Rat Race / What We Should Have Learned in School
Podcast hosted by Amy Leo with some 3P and mostly non-3P guests. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/what-we-should-have-learned-in-school-amy-leo-formerly/id1122707502?mt=2
Some of the 3P guests include... - June 14, 2016 - There's Got to Be a Better Way! with Dr. Amy Johnson
- June 16, 2016 - Trouble Finding Clients and Growing A Business? with Jeanne Catherine
- January 8, 2017 - The Most Direct Route to Wellbeing with Dr. Dicken Bettinger
- January 15, 2017 - An End to Procrastination & Self-Sabotage with Julie Gray
- January 22, 2017 - Is Your Coaching
Business Struggling with Ankush Jain
And more as the show continues...
Your Exponential Practice/ The Profitable Coaches Podcast
Podcast hosted by Jamie Smart (with mostly 3P and some non-3P guests) https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-profitable-coaches-podcast/id1148633622?mt=2
- YEP 001: Chantal Burns - No Obstacles, Only Opportunities
- YEP 002: Pete Bryceland - Fear, Money and Freedom
- YEP 003: Kim Kaase - Your Client Has the Answers
- YEP 004:
Mamoon Yusaf - The Source of Exponential Impact
- YEP 005: Cathy Simmons - You are the Expert
- YEP 006: Jon Mason - Confidence is the Key
- YEP 007: Phil Lewis - Being Willing to Walk Away
- YEP 008: Marina Pearson - Effortless
- YEP 009: Randall Preiser - Ge in the Game
- YEP 010: Clare Tanner - The Art of Not Knowing
- YEP 011: Chris Norton - The Power of Trust
- YEP 012: Kimberley Hare - Finding What Works for You
- YEP 013: Ian Selby
- A Clear Mind Produces Results
- YEP 014: Sarah Phipp - The Power of A Quiet Mind
- YEP 015: Mahima Shrestha - Putting Insight on the Table
- YEP 016: Ankush Jain - The Power of Giving Up
- YEP 017: Philippe Bartu - Growing by
Getting Out of Your depth
- YEP 018: Bev Holden - Stacking the Deck in Your Favour
- YEP 019: Russell Davis - You Are Enough
- YEP 020: Sam Jarman - Your Clients Want Results
- YEP 021: Mary Schiller - You are Innately Whole
- YEP 022: Garret Kramer - Stay in the Game
- YEP 023: Jamie Smart (reading part one of his book for transformation professionals)
- YEP 024: Colin Hunter - Creating Heroes and Heroines
- YEP 025: John El-Mokadem - Visibility, Resistance
and Resilience
- YEP 026: Liz Scott - You Don't Have to Try So Hard
- YEP 027: Dr. Mark Howard - Happiness, Certainty and Understanding
- YEP 028: Juan Quesada - The Basic Rule is Love
- YEP 029: Michael Neill - We're Not Broken,
We Just Think We Are
- YEP 030: Chip Chipman - Waking People Up with Love
- YEP 031: Sue Lachman - Courage is the Magic Word
- YEP 032: Andreas Kullberg - Understanding is the Key
- YEP 033: Jeanie Honey - The Search for irection,
Meaning and Purpose
- PCP 000: Profitable Coaches Podcast Teaser
- PCP 001: Russell Davis - Plaing a Bigger Game
- PCP 002: Nicky Bartley - You Are Enough
- PCP 003: Jack Austin - Becoming Real
- PCP 004: Lisa Rabinowitz
- Where You Need to Be
- PCP 005: Susie Spens – Your True Identity
- PCP 006: The Clarity Activator
- PCP 007: Verena Debnar – Just Take the Next Step
- PCP 008: Instant Clarity
- PCP 009: Claire Russell –
You Have Everything You Need
- PCP 010: Sharon Chapman – There’s Nothing Wrong With You
And more as the show continues...
The RESULTS Mindset Podcast
Podcast hosted by Jamie Smart with 3P and non-3P guests http://www.jamiesmart.com/resultspodcast/ - 01: Ian Selby - A Clar Mind Produces Results
- 02: Donna Churchman -
Removing Creative Blocks and Finding Your Flow
- 03: Ankush Jain - You're Far More Powerful Than You Think
- 04: John Wilkes - Punching Above Your Weight
- 05: Juan Quesada - The Magic of Connection
- 06: Christina Moi - Beyond
Your Comfort zone
- 07: Jim Lewcock - The Source of Good Decisions
- 08: Jamie Smart reads first to chapters of Results
- 09: Ani Patel - Focusing on the Positives
- 10: Jorgen Rasmussen - Provocative Hypnosis Meets the Principles
Behind Clarity
- 11: Vanessa Pringle - Seeing a Different World
- 12: Keith Blevens, PHD - Simplicity, Impact and the Single Paradigm
- 13: Shaa Wasmund - Why You're as Good as Anyone Else
- 14: Jamie Smart - Calrity and the Strategy
- 15: Adam Ashe - The Source of Excellence
- 16: Conor Houston - Follow Your Heart
- 17: Dr. Rita Shuford - The Power of Realisation
- 18: Cathy Casey - Sex, Drugs and CEOs
- 19: Amir Karkouti - Finding Ease in Uneasiness
- 20: Jan Chipman - The Source of Happiness
- 21: Chantal Burns - The Power of Perspective
- 22: Cheryl Bond - How to Make Good Decisions
- 23: Jamie Smart - Discover Your Inner Stress-Buster
- 24: Mike Williams - Health, Pain-Relief
and Parenting
- 25: Jamie Smart - The Inner Source of Superb Performance
- 26: Viva Aikins - Clarity, Love and Connection
- 27: Christine Mitchell - Tjhe Power of Hope and Certainty
- 28: Terri Broughton – The Power of a Clear
- 29: Reed and Krista Smith – Awakening People from Alcoholism and Drug Addiction
- 30: Elaine Hilides – The Inner Source of Health and Wellbeing
- 31: Jamie Smart – The Search is Over (Except When It Isn’t)
- 32: Chris Stoikos – Clarity, Creativity and Viral Content
- 33: Dr. Jayanie Kodituwakku – A Look Within
And more as the show continues...
Keep It Simple
Radio Show with Philippe Bartu (with 3P and non-3P guests) https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/keep-it-simple/id1314419017?mt=2 - Jacquie Forde - How
to Deal with Difficult People
- Jamie Smart - The Simple Way to Get Meaningful Results
- Philippe Bartu - The Happiness Misunderstanding
- Dicken Bettinger - The Gift Within that Keeps on Giving
- Juanjo Quesada - Insights and Screwups
in Entrepeneurship
- Steve Chandler - Awareness vs Belief
And more as the show continues...
Real Change LIVE Podcast Series
Interviews with practitioners who have been in the field of the Three Principles for 20+ years, sharing their perspectives on the Three Principles, and their stories of miraculous change of themselves and their clients. https://soundcloud.com/user-880385600/sets/real-change-live-podcast
- Bill Pettit - There is Only One Mental Illness (also talked about Schizophrenia)
- Bill Pettit - Anxiety Disorders
- Bill Pettit - Depression Disorders
- Bill Pettit - Physical Disorders
- Bill Pettit - Personality Disorders
- Bill Pettit - PTSD and Trauma
- Bill Pettit - Habits and Addictions
- Bill Pettit - Bipolar Disorders
- Bill Pettit - Schizophrenia and Psychosis
- Bill Pettit - Suicidal Ideation
- Bill Pettit - Autism
more as the series continues...
One Solution Podcast
Podcast hosted by Mara Gleason and Eirik Grunde Olsen https://onesolutionglobal.podbean.com/ iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/one-solution-podcast/id1305269632?mt=2
- What the Hell is One Solution?
- The World Isn't Heading in the Wrong Direction
- The Global Immune System
- Introducing Rebels for Peace
- Global Problems: From Symptom to Solutions
- The Mind and
Climate Change with Lauren Xie
- The Link Between Thongs & Global Change (Q&A Session)
- Creating the Impossible with Michael Neill
- People Are Not Broken with Anna Debenham
- Emotions + guns = Violence with Dajohn and Raekwon
- The Only Solution to Ending War with Stephanie Fox
- Women Couldn't Use Credit Cards - A Talk About Thought and World Change with Linda
- The Cure to Addiction and All Other Coping Mechanisms
And more as the podcast continues...
Beyond Recovery Podcast
Discussions hosted by Jacqueline Hollows... http://beyondrecovery.libsyn.com/ - A Wisdom Inspired Business
- We Don't Have to Do Anything Until We Do It
- Inspiration and
Creativity Lies Underneath Our Overthinking
- How Does an Entrepeneur Access Their Answers Inside?
- Being the Expression of Life
And more as the series continues...
The Wellbeing Podcast
Discussions hosted by Dr. Rani Bora and Liz Scott http://www.buzzsprout.com/166297 - Psychological Wellbeing: A New Paradigm
- Let's Talk About Stress
more as the podcast continues...
Quality of Mind - Transforming Business
Podcast hosted by Piers Thurston... NOTE: Not all guests are 3P https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/quality-of-mind-transforming-business/id1401964960?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4
- Introduction - What is the Role and Value of Quality of Mind in Business
- Why is This Understanding Such a Game Changer? - Kimberley Hare
- Quality of Mind & Re-balancing Humanity with the Rise of
Technology - futurist Matt O'Neill
- How Quality of Mind Has Changed My Relationship With Business - Simon Terry
- How to Save $800 Million By Understanding How Your Mind Works Differently - Dr. Ken Manning
- Dispelling the High Pressure - High Performance Myth - Rafi Saville
And more as the series continues..
The Business Series
Discussions hosted by Ankush Jain... https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-business-series-podcast/id1389724331?mt=2 - Creating
a Thriving Team - Kimberley Hare
- How to Avoid Burnout - Elizabeth Lovius
- Staying Agile in Challenging Work Environments - Dicken Bettinger
- The Hidden Variable - Piers Thurston
- The Importance of EQ - Gilly Chater
- How
to Best Achieve Equality in the Workplace - Nicky Bartley
- Confident Decision Making for Women Leaders - Annika Hurwitt
- How to Be a Concistently High Performer - Martin Croft
- How to Deal with Difficult People - Robin Charbit
- How to Unlock the Creative Potential in Your Team - Brooke Wheeldon-Reece
And more as the series continues..
Wise Women Speak
Podcast hosted by Linda Pritcher and Lana Bastianutti https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/wise-women-speak/id1404688542 - About Us – Linda
and Lana
- Conversation with Sue Cross
- Dreaded Inner Critic – Linda and Lana
- Conversation
with Carolyn Fine Friedman
- Conversation with Marjan Kamali
- Overwhelm – Linda and Lana
- Conversation with Heidi O’Donnell Eastman
- Aging, Self-Improvement, and Thought – Linda and Lana
- Conversation with Jill Whelan
- Conversation with Deb Walsh
- The Mean Measuring Stick of Expectation –
Linda and Lana
- Conversation with Christine Higgins
- Seeing Through Persistence of Illusion – Linda and Lana
- Conversation with Luann Edwards
And more as the series continues…
Podcast hosted by Dr. Amy Johnson... https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/changeable-podcast/id1434131959?mt=2 - The Ironic Way Change
Really Works
- Your Mind Fixes Itself
- A New Psychology
- Want to Break a Habit? Watch a Kid.
- Your Problems Aren't About You
- You Aren't What You Experience - with Amanda Jones
- The Anatomy of a Habit
- The
Ironic Truth About Procrastination
- How Three Little Principles Lead to Profound Change - with Rohini Ross
And more as the series continues...
Real Business Real Lives
Podcast hosted by Barbara Patterson... https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/real-business-real-lives/id1433804606 - The Surprising
Source of Success in Business and Life
- Uncovering the Most Important Performance Variable in Business - with Aaron Turner
- How a Free Mind is the Gateway to Doing the Impossible - with Collette Grant
- How to Be Your Own Best Consultant
in Business and Life - with James Layfield
- Why a Quiet Mind is More Powerful than Your Drive - with Nicola Bird
And more as the series continues...
Men Behaving Kindly Podcast with Steve Adair
Interviews hosted by Steve Adair https://soundcloud.com/steve-ad-794574999 - Stef Cybichowski
- Dr. Bill Pettit
- Dr. Fredrick Kinnman
- Dennis Westerberg
- Ankush Jain (relationships)
- Dicken Bettinger (Three Principles of Love)
- Joel Peters (Living Life with Cancer)
- Julian Fraser (Dealing with Life Changing Situations)
- Jonathan Shaddock (Redefining Kindness)
- Paul Sumners (Definitions of Kindness)
And more as the series continues...
Taking the Fear Out of Cancer Podcast
Discussions facilitated by Maureen York https://anchor.fm/maureen-york - Introduction: My Own Story
- Elaine Hilides
- Sue Lachman
- Cate Caruth
- Fiona Wright
- Kay Murphy
- Devon Bandison
- Peggy Buchanan
- Gillian Fox
- Taking Command and Control
- Marcia Gladwin
- Peggy Buchanan
- Jacqui Marshall
- George B. Carver
And more as the series
A Clear Life
Conversations hosted by Brianne Grebil... https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-clear-life/id1262851132 - Fernando Perez: The Power of Tolerance
- Chris
Westfall: Innovation and Results
- Robin Taffin: Ridiculous Confidence
- Kim Kaase: Permission to Not Have Shit Together
- Jhanna Dawson: How Do Things Change?
- Mitchell Bakst: Figure Out Anything
- Kristi Palma: Nature
and the Creative Process
- Brad Gallup: True connection and Communication
- Bev Willcocks: The Mind's Role in Weight Loss
- Julie Stuart: Working With Life's Transitions
- Thomas Jensen: It's All In The Feeling
- Kristi Palma
and Chris Westfall: The Art of Collaboration
- Jo Winchombe: Parenting From The Inside Out
- Andrew Hogan: The Practicality of Respect
- Sandra Koenig: Branding From The Inside Out
- Joel Drazner: The Heart of Human Resilience
- Judy Cornish: The Good News of Dementia
- Wyn Morgan: What About REAL Problems?
- Karen DiMarco & John El-Mokadem: A New Way to Look at Health
- Lynne Robertson: Coming Alive Solves Everything
- Kristy Halvorsen: The Beauty
of Coddiwonpling
- Marina Galan: Understanding Misunderstanding
- Stef Cybichowski: Listening's Power
And more as the series continues...
Insightful Conversations with Del Adey-Jones
Conversations hosted by Del Adey-Jones Podcast Version: https://podcasts.apple.com/no/podcast/insightful-conversations-with-del-adey-jones/id1453101658
Youtube Video Version: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPiJVkF16cp8ERXt3FvSK1Q - Ellen Friedman
- Bella Mahaya Carter
- Betsy Russell
- Wyn Morgan
- Jessie Marcus
- Natasha Swerdloff
- Rohini Ross
- Barb Patterson
- Angus Ross
- Monique Koven
- Cassandra Ogier
- Wendi Saggese
- Dr. Jack Pransky
- Erika Bugbee
- Jacquie
- Elsie Spittle
- Harry Derbitsky
- Dr. Dicken Bettinger
- Bill Pettit
- Linda Pransky
- Dr. George Pransky
- Gayle Nobel
- Christine Heath
- Jason Shiers
- Marina Pearson
- Scott
- Chana Studley
- Dr. Judy Sedgeman
- Dr. Mark Howard
- Dr. Amy Johnson
- Sheela Masand
- Cathey Casey
- Alexandra Amor
- Lori Carpenos
- Lyn McCright
- Rudi and Jules Kennard
- Rob Cook
- Dr. Linda Pettit
- Rebecca Perkins
- Nicole Beasley
- Kristy Halverson
- Jonelle Simms
- Denise Holland
- Patrick Wu
- Dr. Cheryl Wilkie
- Amanda O'Shea
- Ami Chen Mill-Naim
- Chip Chipman
And more as the series continues
3PGC-Hosted Webinars
The list of past webinar recordings, and list of FREE live upcoming webinars with the most experienced 3P Practitioners, can be accessed at the following website link and YouTube channel: The list of
past recordings available for viewing/listening, is as follows: 2012-2013 - Judy Sedgeman (DEC2012)
- Dr. Bill Pettit (JAN2013)
- Elsie Spittle (FEB2013)
- Dicken Bettigner (MAR2013)
- Chip Chipman (APR2013)
- Linda Pransky (MAY2013)
- Mara Gleason (JUN2013)
- Shaul Rosenblatt (JUL2013)
- Cathy
Casey (AUG2013)
- Nothing Listed for This Month (SEP2013)
- Christine Heath (OCT2013)
- Aaron Turner (NOV2013)
- Nothing Listed for This Month (DEC2013)
2014 - Nothing Listed for this Month (JAN2014)
- Mark Howard (FEB2014)
- Aaron Turner (MAR2014)
- George Pransky (APR2014)
- Janet Lindsay (MAY2014)
- Jenny Kennard (JUN2014)
- Nothing Listed for this Month (JUL2014)
- Kara Stamback (AUG2014)
- Ami Chen-Mills -
Being Spiritual, Being Human (18SEP2014)
- Rita Schuford - Living, Learning, Growing: A Journey Within that Changes Us and the World We Live In (16OCT2014)
- Steve Adair - Being Here Now: Awakening in the Moment
- Mary White - The Three Principles are a Gift: Understanding Them is Precious Knowledge (18DEC2014)
2015 - Erika Bugbee - Is Your Relationship Drofting? A Closer
Connection is Always Within Reach (08JAN2015)
- Lori Carpenos - The Benefits of Having an Understanding of the Three Principles for Relationships (12FEB2015)
- Rudi Kennard - Dissolving the Internal Critic (12MAR2015)
- Dr. Bill Pettit - Wisdom, It's a Game Changer (17APR2015)
- Janet Lindsay & Christian McNeill - Breaking New Grounds (14MAY2015)
- Joe Bailey - The Antidote to Burnout and Stress: Seeing
the Thought/Feeling Link (11JUN2015)
- Christine Heath - The Importance of Keeping the Message Pure (09JUL2015)
- Annika Hurwitt - Mental Clarity in a Minute (13AUG2015)
- Jan Chipman
- Finding Answers in a Quiet Mind (10SEP2015)
- Dr. Linda Sandel Pettit - Seeking Wisdom in the Midst of Chaos (08OCT2015)
- Lila Turner - Do You Think You Know Yourself? What If There Is More? (12NOV2015)
- Keith Blevens - How Actual Reality is Being Created (10DEC2015)
2016 - Kara Stamback - Do You Have a Wishlist for Your Personal Life? How I Found a New Way of Changing Without
Pressure (14JAN2016)
- Judith Sedgeman - Where Do I Start? (26JAN2016)
- Dave Nichols - Universal Mind: The Source of Community (11FEB2016)
- Linda Pransky - Teaching Fearlessly (23FEB2016)
- Dr. Amy Johnson - Brain and Mind: How an Understanding of the Brain and the Universal Mind that Power It, Helps People Walk Away from Habits (10MAR2016)
- Erika Bugbee - How the Mind is Like a Self-Cleaning Oven
- Veronique Pivetta - Get Out of Your Mind and Jump Into Your Life (14APR2016)
- George Pransky - The Principles on a World Stage (26APR2016)
- Ed Lemon - Why Noticing or Understanding
the Principles Has Never Been More Important (12MAY2016)
- Mara Gleason - Why the 3 Principles Will Solve All the World's Problems... Literally ALL of Them (24MAY2016)
- Jacquie Forde - Beyond Self Help (09JUN2016)
- Sandra Krot - Why I Still Listen to, Watch, and Read the Same Sydney Banks Materials After 35 Years (28JUN2016)
- Gabriela Maldonado - We ARE the Principles in Action" Moving from a Methodology to an Understanding
- Linda Ramus - Stats and Stories, Proof and Truth, Sharing Your Work Through Program Evaluation (26JUL2016)
- Catherine Casey - Start Where They Are, Then Take Them Back to the Principles (11AUG2016)
- Barbara Patterson - Letting Your True Nature Take the Lead in Your Life (23AUG2016)
- Dicken Bettinger - Bringing More Love and Understanding Into the World (08SEP2016)
- Judy Sedgeman -
Why Colleagues Matter (27SEP2016)
- Michael Neill - Discovery VS Creation (13OCT2016)
- John El-Mokadem - The Three Principles - At the Heart of Everything We Seek (10NOV2016)
- Joe Bailey
- Beyond Burnout (22NOV2016)
- Erika Bugbee - The Power of Free Will: Our Ability to Let Change Happen Versus Making It Happen (08DEC2016)
- Francesco Barbera - What the Principles Showed Me About Love (27DEC2016)
2017 - Elsie Spittle - Living the Principles With Simplicity (12JAN2017)
- Jeanne Catherine-Gray - Why It's Time to Share the Principles (26JAN2017)
- Elsie
- Caroline Frenette - The Principles of Creation (26AJN2017)
- Dicken Bettinger & Natasha Swerdloff SPANISH WEBINAR (16FEB2017)
- Dr. Mark Howard
- The Hope of the Principles for All of Us (23FEB2017)
- Gabriela Maldonado-Montano SPANISH WEBINAR (02MAR2017)
- Chana & Shaul Rosenblatt - Zero Expectation Relationships (09MAR2017)
- Jacquie
- Dr. Aaron Turner - What? What? What? (23MAR2017)
- George Pransky SPANISH WEBINAR (06APR2017)
- Brooke Wheeldon-Reece - Bringing the Principles
Into Prevention and Education (13APR2017)
- Linda Pransky SPANISH WEBINAR (20APR2017)
- Wyn Morgan - Shouldn't I Know Better By Now? (27APR2017)
- Joe Bailey SPANISH WEBINAR (02MAY2017)
- Rohini Ross - How Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable Changed My Life (11MAY2017)
- Jeanne Catherine Grey SPANISH WEBINAR (18MAY2017)
- Paul Lock - Have You Got a Hidden Talent (25MAY2017)
- Erika Bugbee SPANISH WEBINAR (01JUN2017)
- Amy Chen Mills Naim - Identity, Insecurity, and True Love (Crisis and Relationships) (08JUN2017)
- Bill Pettit - Never Broken, Never Lacking, How
We Get Sick and How We Get Over It (22JUN2017)
- Judith Sedgeman SPANISH WEBINAR (11JUL2017)
- Erika Bugbee - What if Life Goes Wrong and the Principles Don't Fix It? (13JUL2017)
- Veronique
- Wendi Saggese - Cancer Cannot Steal My Happiness (27JUL2017)
- Aaron Turner SPANISH WEBINAR (03AUG2017)
- Dr. Rita Shuford - Beyond Self
Doubt: The Illusion of Duality (10AUG2017)
- Dr. Bill Pettit SPANISH WEBINAR (17AUG2017)
- John El Mokadem - An Opportunity to See More (24AUG2017)
Elsie Spittle - Three Principles for Human Development
Social Anxiety Google Hangout Discussions with 3P Facilitators (Hosted by Steve Light)
Shaboom Wholeness Hangouts
Discussions hosted by Molly Gordon... http://shaboominc.com/wholeness-hangouts/ 2014 - The Nature of Happiness
- Wholeness, Three Principles, and
Getting Traction
- Barb Patterson - What if Being You Could be Easier
- Eric Klein- Wholeness and the Notion of Karma
2015 - Craig Polsfuss - Neuroscience
and 3P
- Terri Upshur-Lberger - Coaching in the Vertical Dimension
- Cherie Ray - Unleash Creative Potential
- Craig Polsfuss - Higher Brain Living and the Three Principles
- Sara
Yao - What's presence Got to Do With It?
- Steve Adair and Tony Fiedler - Guided by the Feeling of Wisdom
- Judy Sedgeman
- Jacquie Forde - Being & Living in the Unknow
- Susan Motheral - What Does it Mean to What What You Want? How Does it Help?
- Lian Brook-Tyler - What's Up with Happiness?
- Wyn Morgan - Why Does Coaching Work When it Works?
- Bill
Cumming - What Do We Need to Understand in Order to Live Wisely and Well
2016 - Hiro Boga - Deep Engagement, Wholeness and the Dance of Responsibility
- Sandra Koenig -
Branding As An Expression of Wholeness
- Mary Schiller - Can an Insight Cure PTSD: One Woman's Story
- Dr. George Pransky and Mara Gleason - Can Insight into Mind Help Us Address Global Challenges (Part 1)
- Eirik Grunde-Olsen and Linda Pransky - Can Insight into Mind Help Us Address Global Challenges (Part 2)
- Michael Neill - The Space Within: Find Your Way Back Home
- Mary Schiller - What
do Do When There's Nothing to Do: The Practicality of Spiritual Principles
- Jacqueline Hollows - Toward a New Vision of Recovery
- Dr. Jack Pransky - Simple Truth for Living Well
- Sue Pankiewicz - The Miracle of Ordinariness
- Mahima Shrestha - Presence of Mind in Chaotic Times
- Wendi Saggese - Healing & Wholeness When Cancer Strikes
- Linda
Pransky - Wellbeing, What Is It and Where Does It Come From?
- Nicole Hugeunin - Expanding Your Wealth: How Living Into Questions Can Inform Your Richness
- Mara Gleason - One Thought Changes Everything
- Dr. Ken Manning - Sharing the Three Principles in Business
- Mary Schiller - Money Shenanigans for Fun and Profit
- Nicola Bird - The Missing Link in Success Formulas
- Juliet
Fay - If the Three Principles Are So Great, Where's the Bed of Roses?
2018 - Lissa Boles - Life Purpose: what Have We Been Missing?
Michael Neill – Creating the Impossible -
A New/Old Story: Considering ICF Coaching for a 3P Perspective -
Harold Derbitsky – The 3 Principles & Becoming an Advanced Coach -
Jamie Smart
– What Really Drives Transformation & Results -
Robin Charbit & Ken Manning – Invisible
Power: Principles Behind Personal Capacity And more as the hangouts continue...
Womanhood from the Inside Out
Human Being TV
Video discussions hosted by a group of Three Principles practitioners in the UK (including founders Kaye Taylor and Steph Wilson)... See the full video list here (as of early December 2017 there are 160+ videos and counting): Hosts and Guests include: - Kaye Taylor
- Steph Wilson
- Ivana Culham
- Anna Debenham
- Susan Marmot
- Denise Holland
- Liliana Bellini
- Jacqueline Hollows
- Jacquie Forde
- Ildiko
- Tony Arribas
- Craig Wyman
- Andy Couch
- Mary Schiller
- Torill Andersen
- Liz Scott
- Shifra Chesler
- Colette Grant
- Kim Hare
- Karen Miller Williams
- Chana Rosenblatt
- Wendi Saggese
- Sally Wyse
- Trevor Hill
- Sue Lachman
- Daniela Eichberger
- Nikki Welch
- Rita Shuford
- Jill Whelan
- Julie Tant
- Aaron Turner
- Charles Kingsley
- Alexis
- Dr. Rita Shuford
- Dr. Varsha Jain
- Adam Ashe
- Barb Patterson
- Dr. Amy Johnson
Hope for Addiction Using the Three Principles
Hope & Challenges - Three Principles in Action in Denmark
Video discussion series hosted by Christian Olsen and Harry Derbitsky with 3P Pracitioner guests (in a mix of English and Danish) YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx33GXVA8zCvkfD4y5cgJPA Guests include Mette Louise Holland, Steve Adair, Bill Pettit, and more...
Elements of Wellbeing with Christian McNeill
Discussions with 3P Practitioners hosted by Christian McNeill - Adame Ashe and Grayson Hart
- David McMullan
- Jill Whelan
- Ankush Jain
- Amy Leo
- Pete Bailey
- Gary Loftus
- Marie McQuade
- Mary White
- Harry Derbitsky Part 1
- Harry Derbitsky Part 2
- Gill Best
- Jonelle Simms
And more as the series continues...
Under the Skin
Video series about being a parent, hosted by Kate Adey and Karolyna Gladych - What if the role of a parent isn't what we think?
- What if being a parent could be easier and less stressful with guest Peter Anderson
- Being perfect with guest Tammy Furey
And more as the series continues...
3 Principles Resources - Facebook Live Series
Dr. Anne Curtis hosts Facebook Live video discussions with various individuals who live and share the Three Principles. This series was started as part of Mental Health Week in the UK (May2018). https://www.facebook.com/groups/3PrinciplesResources/videos/
(Note: You will need to join the 3 Principles Resources Facebook group to gain access to the videos.) - Rachel Henke
- Rudi Kennard
- Vivienne Edgecombe
- Nick Bottini
- Robin Lockhart
- Bec Sheffield and Debra
- Lori Carpenos
- Joel Drazner
- Jacquie Forde
- Steve Adair
- Deborah Jacobs Binun
- Lewis Buxton
- Tania Elfersy
- Vivienne Edgecombe
- Julian Freeman
- Debra Oliver Muccillo
And more as the series continues...
The Lovely People Webinar
Discussions hosted by Debra Simmons YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5J8n-mviou1T_n9XwUmW9g/videos?disable_polymer=1
Sharing an Understanding that Transforms Lives -
Denise Holland -
Dave Elleray -
Liz Scott -
Amado O'Shea -
Rudi Kennard -
Ali Scott -
Katja Symons -
Maureen York -
Julie Weeks -
Gillian Fox -
Bettinger -
Julian Freeman
Anke Herrmann
Ann Ross
Steve Adair -
Michael Behan -
Lucy Sheffield -
The Lovely People Webinar
Mandy Spray -
Sue Pankiewicz -
Nick Bottini
Fredrik Kinnman
Bec Sheffield -
Bec Freeman
Jill Whalen
Tony Fiedler
Erica Lewis
Andy Winter
Chris Nunan
Anne Curtis
Christian McNeill
Martin Charlton-Bennett
Deborah Oliver Muccillo
Sue Anderson
Molly Gordon
The Lovely People Webinar Hijacked!
Marina Galan
And more as the series continues...
Tres Principios - Spanish YouTube Channel
Just some random videos that I have come across, that don't already appear in all the lists above... Michael Neill TED Talk Michael Neill/Molly Gordon discuss 3P for Self-Employment/Business Michael Neill also has a ton of
great videos available on his YouTube page: Michael Neill - An End to Stress (Parts 1-3) Michael Neill
- Interview About Overwhelm, and More Pransky & Associates YouTube Channel Garret Kramer's YouTube Channel Julian Freeman and Bec Lealman - A Lovely Conversation About the Benefits
of Understanding the Principles Dr. Amy Johnson (link to her website page of videos) George Pransky and Linda Pransky in Discussion with Erik Grunde Olsen Emma McDevitt Discussions With... Jack Pransky, Sheela Masand, Katja Symons - Breaking
Free of the Unknown Ami Chen - Living and Sharing the Principles Living Resilience - Richard Ingate Interviews About Stress:
Power of Presence Conversation with Jacquie Forde and Kjetil Haugmo Link to Two Videos by Bill Pettit (3P Diagnosis
Psychopharm, and Psychiatrist Bill Pettis and the 3 Principles) Dr. Rani Bora - Lovely Sharing of Her 3P Experience as a Psychiatrist Rita Schuford - A New Paradigm in Mental Health (Shrink Rap Hawaii Episode) Joe Bailey - Resilient Mind, Resilient Body Veronique Pivetta - The Only Way to Win the Dating
Game Rudi Kennard and Tanya Kennard-Campbell -
The Single Paradigm - One Discriminator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjmWAHCTVSc
- Splitting the Principles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivm4VyqwkGk
- No Doing and Implications: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz5xPYtPMeI&t=3122s
- Curriculum and Non-Duality: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sj9U8XRTi6A
Bring Spark - Discussions with Some 3P (and non-3P Others) - Joe Bailey, Cathy Casey, Ankush Jain, Michael Neill, Jamie Smart, Garret Kramer
The Power of the Three Principles in Schools - 6 video Series with Barb Aust and Christa Campsall Voices of the Valley
- Visitacion Valley - Dr. Roger Mills and Elaine Spittle
Some of the more active groups... Elsie Spittle - Three Principles for Human Development The Three Principles of Mind, Thought, and Consciousness Three Principles Global Community The Three Principles Group Pransky & Associates Michael Neill Three Principles Movies Other Language
Facebook Pages 3 Principles Resources
(managed by Anne Curtis) Three Principles Africa Three Principles New Zealand 3P - Just A Conversation Three Principles for Families Three Principles Webinars, Workshops, & Conferences ***All are encouraged to post their 3P EVENTS in this group*** State of Mind and The Spark Inside
Three Principles North (group in UK) 3P New England (group in the US) JAT - Just a Thought (West Midlands UK) JAT Club (just a thought) Three Principles Canada Addiction, Alcoholism & The 3 Principles 3P Deeper Feeling Library 3 Principles Scotland 3 Principles Ireland Wales Three Principles Community Cornwall Three Principles Forum The 3P’s in Business Three Principles Toronto + many more...
UPCOMING EVENTS Below is a list of current and past 3P Conferences (the larger events with multiple speakers). At the bottom of this section are links to other websites that offer "published
lists" of 3P conferences, events, workshops, etc. NOTE: Most of the conference events offer virtual live-streaming or access to recordings after the event.
Awakening Your Ordinary Greatness Understanding Human Mind RECENT PAST EVENTS
Resilient Young Minds
Innate Health Conference The ViVA Event: Realising the Richness of LIFE Infinite Possibilita (Endless Possibilities - the 2nd national Italian 3P conference) One Solution Jerusalem Realising Potential Fully Online Conference Beyond Limits Business Summit - October 26-28, 2018 – Portland Oregon, USA
- https://beyondlimitsbusinesssummit.com/
Healing the World: The
System Upgrade - September 13-16, 2018 – North Devon, UK
- https://debrasimmons.co.uk/other/conference/
Understanding Human Mind Conference 3PUK Conference Transforming Community from the Inside
Out (5th annual global telesummit hosted by the Centre for Sustainable Change) Viva Event The Awesome Event Realizing Resilience Virtual Conference Understanding Human Mind Conference 3PUK Conference Never Broken, Nothing Lacking
Conference ONE SOLUTION: The Invisible Key to Global
Change Centre for Sustainable
Change Global TeleSummit (4th Annual) Jewish Center for Wellbeing - 4th Annual NY-NJ Innate Health Conference Women's Wellbeing Conference Viva Event 3PGC Annual Conference
Unlimited 2016 Conference ONE SOLUTION: The Invisible Key to Global Change Tikun
Annual Innate Health 3P Conference
Women's Wellbeing Conference Jewish Center
for Wellbeing - 3rd Annual Innate Health Conference Resilience Fest Viva Event
Centre for Sustainable Change Global TeleSummit - Transforming Comminities from the
Inside Out Unlimted 2015 Conference Jewish Center for Wellbeing - 2nd Annual Innate Health Conference Links to Other Lists of 3P Events