3P Random Reflections Blog

Passport photos and driver's licence photos are always just the worst, aren't they?


I just came across all my old passports, and while being amused at the changing hairstyles, remembered that one of my old bosses didn't particularly like my hair (the 1986 photo), and brought me into her office one day to tell me to change it. I remember feeling shocked and embarrassed and uncomfortable, but I didn't really know what to do, so I just brushed it off and never did end up changing it.


And then it reminded me of a boss I had a few years before who was a bit of a male chauvenist at times, and after giving my notice to take another job, he took me down into the basement of the building to have a private chat where he asked me if the reason I was leaving was because I hated men. And again, I remember feeling shock and embarassment and discomfort.

I wasn't that fond of either of these managers, and even though I could have validated those feelings with my colleagues who had similiar feelings, it's interesting to reflect on how my dislike of these managers would have helped to create the situations that I ran into. How would these relationships have been different, knowing what I know now, that my feelings were coming from me, and not from them?

Jan. 27, 2017


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I am so glad to hear Sara! So kind of you to let me know! On the website ...

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