In the moment that I heard “How can we take ourselves seriously in light of the fact that we’re making it up?”, I realized that EVERYTHING I had ever thought in my entire life was completely made up, and that I was living in the experience of the complete illusion of my thinking, as was everyone else. From that moment, I started living in the experience of an entirely new world because I now understood the “reason why” for every human behaviour in life.
Why do people sometimes hate?
Why do people sometimes get angry?
Why do people sometimes hurt other people?
Why do people sometimes lie?
Why do people sometimes get judgmental?
Why do people sometimes drink, and take drugs, and harm themselves, or do anything to excess?
Why do people sometimes love?
Why do people sometimes show compassion?
Why do people sometimes help other people?
Why do people sometimes be honest?
Why do people sometimes get grateful?
Why do people sometimes play, and laugh, and enjoy themselves, and just live in the moment?
It’s so incredibly simple.
Our uniquely personal experience of life and consequent actions are NOT at all driven by our circumstances or whatever is happening in the world around us or even who we are at the core of our being. Our personal experience of life and consequent actions are driven simply by the natural and innocent belief in whatever flow of thinking happens to appear in our head in each moment. We are designed to have a continual flow of up and down thought, and feel it, and believe it.
That’s it. That’s everything.
What’s interesting, is that if we somehow realize this as true, we begin to get some level of freedom from this naturally occurring up and down flow of secure and insecure thinking that appears in our head. We get some distance from it.
We begin to take our thinking less seriously, both the bad and the good. We begin catching ourselves feeling yucky, and begin noticing (getting insights) into how the yucky feeling is coming from a momentary flow of insecure thought, some of which may be aware of, and much of which we likely may not be aware of. We begin catching ourselves feeling wonderful, and begin appreciating the moments of being graced with a momentary flow of secure thought, some of which we may be aware of, and much of which we likely may not be aware of.
And in that growing freedom from whatever experience we happen to be having, continually being created from the up and down flow of thinking appearing in our head and being felt through our feelings, we begin realizing something more…
We begin caring less what state of mind we happen to be in, knowing that whatever we’re feeling is just a consequence of the momentary and naturally changing flow of thought and not anything outside of us or inside of us that needs to be “fixed”.
We begin realizing that neither we nor anyone else is “broken”. Instead, we’re all just experiencing life and participating in life through the filter of our own innocently believed up and down thinking.
We begin realizing that whatever we are feeling, whether good or bad, has absolutely no connection to who we all are at the core of our soul… something that can’t really be explained, but can be felt, and something that we all are intimately familiar with, whether we realize it or not.
And so in the moment that I heard “How can we take ourselves seriously in light of the fact
that we’re making it up?”, and I realized the truth of it, and I realized the truth of who we all are at the core of our soul, it didn’t stop me from being human.
First of all, it just made me laugh because how funny and ridiculous it was that “we’re all completely crazy and we just have no idea”.
And second of all, it allowed me to go back into life, still thinking and feeling both good and crappy, and sometimes really really crappy… but with complete understanding of WHY, and no more need to figure it out, even though my thinking, for some reason, still seems to love coming up with other WHYs.
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01.10 | 19:31
I am so glad to hear Sara! So kind of you to let me know! On the website ...
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I found your blog post after googling "procrastination and the three princip...
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Thank you Lars! So happy to hear from you, and glad you enjoyed the rea...
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Hi Jonelle Just stumbled across your website, love reading all your...