3P Random Reflections Blog

Sometimes I feel angry, judgmental, frustrated, fearful, insecure, depressed, anxious, irritated (the list is endless). Sometimes I feel content, amused, relaxed, interested, curious, loving, joyful, secure (the list is endless).

What creates suffering for me is not in the feeling any of those things, but in the desire to either get rid of those feelings or hang on to them.

In either case, I’m attempting to take something that is inherently fluid (thoughts/feelings) and turn it into something that is solid. I’m attempting to control the uncontrollable.

Despite knowing this to be true, it doesn’t exempt me from being human. I still attempt to control the uncontrollable ALL THE TIME!

But what a relief every time I happen to remember the truth of this, or to remember it’s perfectly OK whenever I don’t?

Mar. 26, 2018


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01.10 | 19:31

I am so glad to hear Sara! So kind of you to let me know! On the website ...

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I found your blog post after googling "procrastination and the three princip...

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Thank you Lars! So happy to hear from you, and glad you enjoyed the rea...

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