No one ever told me about the value of knowing nothing.
Well, maybe they did, but it's likely I wasn't listening at the time because I thought I knew something.
Knowing nothing is incredibly freeing.
Whenever I know that I know nothing, there's no need to be right, no ego to protect, nothing to reason, defend, or justify, and nothing to fix or change.
Whenever I know that I know nothing, I simply navigate life from moment to moment with whatever common sense arises... and maybe I do a bit of fixing here and there, but my eyes are always left open to the next new moment that inevitably happens.
Whenever I know that I know nothing, I get to observe and enquire and reflect and wonder and imagine and create and appreciate. I get to play.
Whenever I know that I know nothing, I'm actually much kinder and much smarter and much more at peace within the depths of my soul.
In contrast...
Whenever I know that I know something, I suffer. I have to reason, justify, and defend everything that threatens it... I have to hang onto it for dear life... and so I can't help but create within me the rumbles of anger and judgment and righteousness... I can't help but start wars.
I wonder if that in order to live peacefully, the only thing worth knowing is to truly know that I know nothing... so that instead of building fortresses, I get to explore possibilities.
And I wonder what the world would be like if everyone knew that they themselves and everyone else, knew nothing too?
P.S. The next time I inevitably think that I know something, please kindly and gently remind me otherwise. After all, I think world peace might be at stake here.
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01.10 | 19:31
I am so glad to hear Sara! So kind of you to let me know! On the website ...
30.09 | 22:08
I found your blog post after googling "procrastination and the three princip...
13.12 | 04:29
Thank you Lars! So happy to hear from you, and glad you enjoyed the rea...
12.12 | 20:30
Hi Jonelle Just stumbled across your website, love reading all your...