This Memory talks about a New Year's Resolution.
Which, I haven't done in a long time.
Sort of...
I instead, make a fun little thought each year.
the thought is a way to raise my awareness.
Last year's little thought was:
"I need to let go of my need tos"
Just a humorous way to make me aware.
Aware whenever I caught myself saying,
That I needed to do something.
And it wasn't that I didn't do anything last year.
It was just a way to make me aware,
That I didn't "have to do anything"
Rather, I could enjoy
the challenge.
I did not have to fear the experience.
It took the "do" out of doing.
And put the "be" into being.
So instead of seeing a task,
That needed to be done.
Things got done in the moment.
Without have to worry when.
Without having to worry how.
Without having to worry about if.
Just by being.
Just happening in it's time.
This years fun little thought to me:
"I don't know all that I think
I know."
To remind me to always be open.
So that I listen better,
And not close myself off to "hearing".
Over the years I have gotten better,
At listening to hear,
Not just to respond.
But this thought,
Is a bit different.
The more things I read.
The more things I hear.
The more things I believe are "true".
The more I discount thoughts,
That are different than mine.
The more I close
the door,
And ignore thoughts that don't resonate.
So my awareness this year.
Is to really try to hear.
To share in another experience.
After all...
Our "truth" is never really the "Truth".
It is only
The illusionary made up thought,
That we have turned into belief.
At least that is my thought,
In this moment,
As it occurs to me,
To believe it...
To make it my reality...
know that this year,
I hope to raise my awareness,
To better "Hear" you.
To benefit from your knowledge,
And share in your experience.
Live in Love and Peace,
Rick Syposh 🙏💖😉
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01.10 | 19:31
I am so glad to hear Sara! So kind of you to let me know! On the website ...
30.09 | 22:08
I found your blog post after googling "procrastination and the three princip...
13.12 | 04:29
Thank you Lars! So happy to hear from you, and glad you enjoyed the rea...
12.12 | 20:30
Hi Jonelle Just stumbled across your website, love reading all your...