A lot of events are going on in the world right at this moment…
Babies are being born, someone just got married and someone died.
There are people in conflict, and people in love.
There are people in tears, some
in laughter, some in sorrow.
There are people in pain, and others in bliss.
Somewhere it is night, dark and people are sleeping.
Somewhere the sun is rising, people prepare for the day.
Somewhere people are eating a midday
Somewhere people are observing the sun setting.
The human mind is an amazing organ.
Look at all the data that our senses can take in.
Look at all the decisions that it can calculate.
Look at all that we are able
to perceive.
What really is our human experience?
The thoughts that we have.
The thoughts we believe.
The thoughts we act on.
Our thinking is our reality.
It does not matter what
is happening elsewhere.
It does not matter what time it is.
It does not matter what circumstances occur.
We really do create our own unique experience.
In a world that that is ever changing.
In a world that is colourful
and diverse.
In a world connected through all it's ecosystems.
A lot of events... none more important than your moment.
Live in Love and Peace,
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01.10 | 19:31
I am so glad to hear Sara! So kind of you to let me know! On the website ...
30.09 | 22:08
I found your blog post after googling "procrastination and the three princip...
13.12 | 04:29
Thank you Lars! So happy to hear from you, and glad you enjoyed the rea...
12.12 | 20:30
Hi Jonelle Just stumbled across your website, love reading all your...